Belgium Blog – Tuesday

Greetings from a very sunny and warm Blankenberge.

Another jam-packed (or should I say chocolate-packed day!)

We begun the day with a continental breakfast and then headed off to the Chocolate Factory. We learned how chocolate was made and watched a demonstration by the chocolatier before getting to taste some freshly made samples. Then we headed over for a try of the chocolate fountain and then we went shopping in the gift shop. There was lots of chocolates bought so hopefully some make their way home to the rest of the family to enjoy! Check out our picture below…

The rest of the day we spent exploring the ancient city of Bruges. Highlights included the Beguinage monastery, the Belfry Tower, Market Square and Canal Boat Ride. Mr Welsh treated everyone to frites as a mid-afternoon snack and they were delicious. The sun has been shining all day so we spent some time in the park and then finished off tonight with an hour up at the beach.

Looking forward to tomorrow already and our trip to the clogmaker and the water park. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Belgium Blog – Tuesday”

  1. Hi everyone
    Reading this post has made me hungry. I’m very jealous, your day at the chocolate factory sounds great.
    That was kind of Mr Welsh to treat you all to frites. Mr Welsh, if you are still feeling generous, everyone back at school would love to taste that chocolate 🙂
    I’m glad you are having so much fun and look forward to your update tomorrow.

  2. Primary 2/1 are very, very jealous of your trip to the chocolate factory! It sounds like you are all having fun 🙂

  3. Hi Everyone,

    I soooo wish I had been with you at the chocolate factory. It sounds fab. When I was in P7 today they were looking at pictures of chocolate shops in Bruge and it was making us all feel very hungry. I’m so pleased you are having such a great time. I’m hoping that you will bring the lovely weather back to Scotland with you on Saturday:)

    Miss Henderson

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