
This week we have been learning about comics; we learnt that our eyes see a lot of information which helps us to read and understand what is going on in the story. We used this knowledge to describe everything in a picture from the comic and we actually wrote screeds!

In maths we are learning our times tables and also about time. This week we learnt how to read information from a block calendar.

In topic we have been learning about the skeleton and its function. Abby very kindly brought in a skeleton which Mrs. Ghafoor put up onto the wall along with Lily’s poster. We know that the skeleton supports us, helps us move and protects our organs.

Enjoy your weekend

One thought on “P4a”

  1. Hi Primary 4a,

    The work you have been doing on comics sounds very interesting. Maybe you could bring some of your work up to show me next week? The skeleton project sounds great.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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