Sian – I enjoyed learning about Aztec glyphs. I enjoyed making my own version of the glyphs. Aztecs used glyphs instead of words.

Aisha – I enjoyed learning about all the different animals which are looked after by the SSPCA such as exotic animals and foxes and hedgehogs.

Kyle – I enjoyed the SSPCA workshop because it was interesting to see how they catch animals when they are loose. We got told a story about a snake on the loose which she had to catch!”

Eve – I enjoyed learning about deforestation this week. A piece of the rainforest the size of the UK is being destroyed every year.”

Amber – I enjoyed watching the Stars in their Eyes competition. It was funny watching Mr Welsh and Mr Berginis doing PJ and Duncan.

Jack – I learned how to work with decimal fractions in money and in lengths. After the decimal point there is a tenths column, a hundredths column and then a thousandths column.

Ali – I enjoyed learning about the Aztec glyphs, it was interesting that they used pictures instead of words.

Murray – In drama we were learning how to create different accents for different characters. It was fun.


Connor – the whole class has impressed me by making Mr Stewart feel welcome in our classroom.

Lyndsay, Abbie Meg, Katie – Mr Stewart has impressed us by doing well to remember all of our names so quickly.

Murray – Ramie impressed me by beating his best score on Big Maths Beat That.

Ramie – Sian has really impressed by trying really hard at our drama elective.

Adam – Aidan Erskine from 7m impressed me by improving enough to get out on the golf course.

Abbie Madden – Alfie from P1 impressed me by doing so well at Stars in their Eyes and by winning it!

Kyle – Mr Welsh and Mr Berginis impressed with their version of Let’s Get Ready To Rhumble at Stars in their Eyes!

Sian – Abbie Madden has impressed by doing really well in the role of Dodger in drama.

Mr Stewart – P7b have impressed me with how welcoming they have been and with how confident and knowledgable they have been when speaking to me.

2 thoughts on “OUR WEEK IN p7b”

  1. Hi Primary 7b,

    I am so proud of you all for making Mr Stewart very welcome in your class. You really a showing him how well mannered the children in Balbardie are – well done and thank you. I hope those of you who are off to Belgium tomorrow have a fab time. Remember to keep an eye on Mr B and Mr W as they might be a little homesick:). I’m looking forward to working with those of you who are staying in school next week on Wednesday morning. A tour of Brugge is on the agenda which I’m really looking forward to. Keep up the excellent work, everyone.

    Have a lovely weekend and safe journey to those of you off to Belgium.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Well done to you all for demonstrating to Mr Stewart the high expectations we have for everyone in school.
    I hope those going to Belgium are more organised than I am – I haven’t even looked out a suitcase yet!

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