New Life in P5ms

This week we started our ‘What a Wonderful World’ project.

We shared our thoughts on how life began on Earth:

Life travelled to Earth on a meteor.           Amy

Life began in the sea and some of the creatures learned to crawl onto land.     Nathan

Life started on Mars but travelled to Earth.     Lauren U

Life on Earth is all part of somebody’s dream.  Paul

Each of us also discovered a new species. We are looking forward to seeing how they survive in the Circle of Life.

We prepared our aquarium for our sea monkeys and are keeping our fingers crossed that the eggs will hatch.

Who’s raving about reading this week?

Flyn has chosen a book about plant eating dinosaurs to study for his Reading Journal home learning tasks this term. He chose, along with Callum, to record some interesting facts from his book during our Reading Rave. We were interested to hear about the different ways the plant eating dinosaurs defended themselves from the meat eaters.

Thanks for sharing boys!

From the Blog Post Box:

Something I did well this week was…

…predict what would happen next in Rockford’s Rock Opera.        Kyra

…learn my 5 x table off by heart. Lauren U

…building up my multiplication skills.   Declan

getting stuck into my project book.        Amy

2 thoughts on “New Life in P5ms”

  1. Hi Primary 5ms,

    Your new topic, What a Wonderful Life sounds very interesting and your thoughts on this are also very interesting. Well done to Flynn and Callum for sharing your dinosaur knowledge from the Reading Rave with the class. Keep up the good work.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. P5ms, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on how life on Earth began – really thought provoking!

    I am looking forward to reading about what you learn through your new topic.

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