This week P5a have been learning how to create animations. We started off by participating in a Glow Meet with Bruce Husband (an OOGLIE animator). This was great fun and Miss Anderson downloaded an animation app for our iPads. Using our new app, and iMovie, we were able to create stop motion animations with music and sound effects. Click here and here for a few examples.We used this learning later in the week when we worked with P2lg pupils to create stories on the iPads.
It has also been profile week and we have all written a choose story for our profile jotters. We have all used possessive apostrophes in our writing this week.
Most of the class think that this week has flown by. Alex thinks this is because of all the snow.
We also had our last Club Golf session. We have really enjoyed Club Golf and we think that Mr Welsh has too…
I absolutely love the animations you have been creating and that you are using these skills to help P2 also.
Thank you to those who shared their profile work with me this week – I was really impressed!
I loved your animations too. I am becoming an iPad fan so will be in for some instructions.
When you get stuck ask someone who knows, well that looks like 5a.
On another note, the boys working with me created super mind-maps for story plans.