Money! Money! Money!

The boys in class 1 have been working very hard at Maths time.  We have been learning all about money.  We can recognise all of the coins from 1p to £2!  Miss Barrie, Mr Marsden and Mrs Stewart are very proud.

We like to go shopping with Mr Marsden in the class 1 grocery shop.  We buy lots of different things like books, fruit and cereal.   We love our role play shop; we take turns of being the shop keeper and the customer.

Lewis likes to help his mum with the shopping.  Lewis asked his mum to buy cucumber when they were in Tesco recently, as Lewis enjoyed tasting cucumber at snack time. 

Joe, Lewis and Jayden enjoy counting their pennies to make sure that they have enough to pay for each item on their shopping list.

Cody, Cameron and Liam have been investigating how different coins can be used to make the same amount.  Here we are, hard at work!


Next week we will go to the local shop to put our money skills to good use.  I wonder what we will buy!

3 thoughts on “Money! Money! Money!”

  1. Hi Class 1,

    Your shop looks and sounds fantastic. I am so pleased that you are using coins that you have been learning about to buy your groceries in the Class 1 Grocery Shop. The boys and girls in P1b have been learning about coins to £2 this week. Maybe some of them could come and visit your shop next week. I hope you enjoy your trip to the local shop next week.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hi Class 1

    I have really enjoyed learning about money with you this term. Everyone has been working very hard. I think the class 1 shop is lots of fun too and I know you all love to be the shop keeper.
    I am really looking forward to our visit to the local shop next week.

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