Primary 2/1b’s Big Dig!

This week when we arrived in class we were upset to discover that Ziggy and Zaggy had disappeared!  Holly though she’d spotted their spaceship in the sky.  Then Miss Henderson arrived with the magic box and the next clue.  The clue told us to dig in the sand for the key.  The sand pit had thirty keys in it and we tried them all! 

Oliver had the last key which thankfully opened the box.


Inside the box we found Ziggy and Zaggy with some sweets.  The sweets were from the past.  Please help us find out about old fashioned sweets by completing our questionnaire. 

Thank you to all of the parents who told us about playground games last week.  We learned lots.  We had fun sorting photographs of playground games into ‘today’ and ‘long ago.’  This was tricky because some of the black and white photos were from today and we had to look for other clues.

4 thoughts on “Primary 2/1b’s Big Dig!”

  1. We went to the post office to send a postcard to our mums and dads telling them that we had a magic key. It was really exciting waiting on the postcard being delivered by the postman. I also enjoyed going to Mr Welsh’s office to look for Ziggy and Zaggy – by Evie Greenwell

  2. We went to the post office to send a postcard to our mums and dads telling them that we had a magic key. It was really exciting waiting on the postcard being delivered by the postman. I also enjoyed going to Mr Welsh\’s office to look for Ziggy and Zaggy – by Evie Greenwell

  3. Hi Primary 2/1b,

    I am really excited about what Ziggy and Zaggy will be up to next and when the next clue will arrive. I’m glad that you were able to find all of the keys in the sandpit and that the last one opened the box which I delivered. Keep having fun!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  4. Hi Evie,

    I am so pleased that you are enjoying finding the magic keys. Did your postcard arrive safely? I hope your mum and dad were very excited when it arrived:)

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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