
This week was ‘Internet Safety Week’ and we have been learning about communicating with people in various situations as well as keeping ourselves safe when using the internet.

We also got a chance to look at another website in which we can compete against people around the world in Literacy, Maths and Science. Our favourite is the literacy one! There is a competition worldwide on                                                           

5 March* – World Literacy Day
6 March* – World Maths Day
7 March* – World Science Day
22 March – Global award presentations begin with the Official World Education Games Awards Ceremony, to be held in 2013 at the Sydney Opera House.

We have started practising these games in school and also have usernames to use at home.

We are learning about scripts and how to use them and write them. This will come in handy for our assembly.

Today our parents/grandparents got a chance to come in and see what we do in class. This is what we thoughtof it:

It was fun, exciting and amazing.

The best part was showing what we have learnt.

The parents/grandparents seemed to enjoy themselves too!

One thought on “P4a”

  1. Hi Primary 4a,

    Your global challenge sounds really exciting. It would be brilliant if we got to go to the award ceremony in Sydney! I’m pleased that you have been learning about how to keep safe on the internet as it is very important.
    Your class was very busy this morning. I hope that all of your families and friends enjoyed visiting your class.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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