
What a quick week this has been!

We are developing our skill with coordinates and played games of finding characters from ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ on our ‘map’.

We looked at part of a story from ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ and then tried to change it into a script. Mrs. Ghafoor was impressed by how quickly we understood how to do this!

We are ‘attacking’ our project from two angles! We are looking at people in the 16th century and focussing on writing a biography for Mary Queen of Scots. We get to write a biography about a person of our own choice once Mrs. Ghafoor shows us how to do it. This week we completed the front covers for our biographies and next week we will be highlighting important information so that we can write about our Famous Scot.

We also learned that before the Chinese New Year, the Chinese hold FIFTEEN  days of festivities finishing with preparation of the ‘Lantern Festival’.

This Sunday is the beginning of the ‘ Year of the Snake’, sooo

Gung Hei Fat Choi!

2 thoughts on “P4a”

  1. Hi Primary 4a,

    You have had a very busy three days in school this week. The Fantastic Mr Fox work sounds very interesting. I really like Roald Dahl books. Keep up the good work.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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