This Week in Class 1

This week we have been learning about writing and posting letters.   On Monday we went to the post box to post our thank you letters to Santa!  We spotted some familiar words on the post box.  We learned that the days of the week are written on the post box to let people know when the postman will collect the letters.


We are really enjoying our class post office.   We have been very busy writing letters to our friends and teachers.   Writing letters is one of our favourite choose time activities this week! 

We also had a birthday party this week.  We prepared a yummy healthy snack and wore colourful party hats!  We sang Happy Birthday, played party games and danced to our favourite songs.  The boys in class 1 have some super dance moves!  The birthday boy’s mum even gave everyone a party bag full of treats to take home!


During Circle Time we have been learning out feelings.  This week we discussed feeling happy.  We listened to a story and then took turns to tell our friends about the things that make us happy. 

Cameron  “Playing at school, playing in the playground and playing at home makes me happy”.

Jayden “Playing with Mickey makes me happy”.

We created some happy faces using playdough!

3 thoughts on “This Week in Class 1”

  1. Hi Class 1,

    I am so pleased at you were able to post your letters to Santa this week. I hope they get to him safely. I hope you all enjoyed the party and the party bag goodies which you were allowed to take home.

    Keep up the good work. Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Well done Class 1 sending your letters off to Santa. I’m sure he’ll make a note of it so that you are all already on his ‘good list’!

    Keep up the fabulous work.

  3. Hi Class 1
    What a super idea to send thank you letters to Santa. I’m sure he will be very happy when he receives them.
    The snacks at the birthday party look very healthy and yummy. Well done everyone for trying lots of new foods at the party.

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