P2pg News

This week in P2pg we have been making our targets for our writing.  We have decided that some of us need to focus on keeping our writing neat, some need to remember to be careful when forming our letters and some of us need to remember to focus a little more on our writing tasks.

In maths we have finished looking at symmetry by colouring beautiful butterflies and making our own symmetrical patterns.  These will be going on display outside our classroom soon.

In our topic we have been learning about our sense of hearing.  The children remembered some of the name for the different parts, especially the small bones (hammer, anvil and stirrup) and the Cochlea – which looks rather like a snail’s shell!  We also did an experiment where we had to listen to different sounds then figure out what they were!  This was quite tricky, but most of the children recognised the sounds of some animals, cars and even the fog horn!

We’ve also been learning a Scottish poem for Burns day and three children will be chosen and put through to the school final on Monday!  Good luck to all the children and keep practicing!  We also talked about Robert Burns and why he is important and remembered at this time of year.

Well done P2pg.

One thought on “P2pg News”

  1. Hi Primary 2pg,

    You have and another busy week in school. I hope you will be able to meet your writing targets. Well done on being able to recognise the different sounds using your sense of hearing.

    Keep working hard. Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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