This week P2/1 have been learning about the Arctic through the story, The Polar Bear Son. This story is a traditional Inuit tale. On Monday we made polar bears using ‘puffy paint’. We have displayed these above our class igloo which we are really enjoying playing in. We learned an Inuit song called ‘Oke, toke, unga’ which we performed with actions. We made our own Inuit and dressed him or her in warm clothing. Did you know that long ago Inuits wore the skins of seals and polar bears to keep warm, but nowadays they dress just like us on a winter’s day? Yesterday we watched a video about Inuits and we took our own notes. We will use our notes next week to make things during ‘free play.’
Miss Baillie and P2/1 x
Hi Primary 2/1b,
It sounds like you have been doing lots of work on learning about ate Inuits lives. I didn’t know that they now dress like us on a winter day so thank you for letting everyone know.
Keep up the good work. Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Henderson