Tag Archives: c.martin

Our Visit to the Art School in El Prat de Llobregat

We were taken to the Art School by Laticia and Laia and there we met with Vanessa and Cristina. The Art School caters for people of all ages who wish to have a place where they can develop their skills and their love of art. During our visit, we witnessed a wide range of skills and talents. One group was made up of adults who were learning a range of painting techniques at many levels of competence. We also saw professional artists receiving guidance and support as part of a masterclass provided by an elderly local artist. Cristina was working with a group of young children using mixed techniques of pastel and collage to produce work on a jungle theme. They were totally focused on what they were doing and the high level of enjoyment was evident. The art school is subsidised and students pay a small fee for the courses some of which run from October to May and others which run during the summer. Cristina Martin is reponsible for the design of the characters and artwork in the story about Peter.