Our visit to Charles Darwin Primary School

This morning we met with Leticia Marfil (Government Officer) and Laia CampaƱa (Teacher from the Art School) and then went on to visit the staff and pupils of Charles Darwin Primary School. We were welcomed by Vanessa Rubio and Judith Martinez who both work as English specialists in the school. We had a very rewarding experience as we travelled round classrooms observing the work of the pupils and taking part in discussions with the staff who outlined the progression which had taken place during the life of the project so far. Much of the artwork in evidence throughout the school celebrated the traditional Autumn festival of Castanyada which takes place on the same day as Hallowe’en. We sampled some of the traditional food served at this special time of year and were priveleged to be entertained by the pupils who performed two Scottish dances and then sang for us. We also viewed the Lip Dub videos created by classes of pupils in their final year in the primary school. On returning to Scotland, photographs and videos of today’s events will be uploaded to the Comenius Glow Group. (Videos of the dancing and singing are now on this blog – under ‘Category’ on the right-hand side of this page, choose either music or Charles Darwin Primary)

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