8th March 2017

Today we started with writing. We were writing about how our group worked together. We had to be evaluative. It was quite hard to try say what to improve on because we didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. We are working on constructive criticism. Most people were very encouraging to each other. Then we took 4 minutes to share with each other some encouragement. Then we had 14 minutes to plan what our presentation for the posters on the Roman would be. Yesterday we made the posters and today we presented them. All the presentations were very good. It was quite stressful to remember it all because we only had the 14 minutes planning time. Then it was break. After break we went to the computer room and we did some maths and our clics! Everyone did really well. We were working on fractions and division on the computers.

Then it was lunch time. Most people went to squaddies. The rest of the people went to athletics. After lunch we did French with the P6s. We had to do some programming and coding on the computers in French! We made characters talk to each other in French with a lot of hard scripts. It was fun and challenging. You had to remember to change between the sprites! Our challenge to you the rest of the world is to make a scratch programme of your own!

Then we went to the hall and did our presentations on the stage using the microphones and spotlights! Check the website either tonight or tomorrow to see our high quality presentations!!

Then we played some team work games. We figured it was easier to do it with boys and girls separately.

Tomorrow is our trip to the Burns Cottage.

From Kirsten, Rose, Didier, Hamish and Abi (AKA Gods of Glory)

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