My /Our bio poem

I found this really hard to write as I am creating this blog as an Educator.

I have written it from the points of view of staff and through observations, how the children feel.  I hope I managed to capture the essence of St Ninians at the present moment.

Here is the guidance for writing a bio poem if you have never heard of them before… it makes a wee bit more sense of my/our poem:-

How to Write a Biopoem
(Line 1) First name
(Line 2) Three or four adjectives that describe the person
(Line 3) Important relationship (daughter of . . . , mother of . . . , etc)
(Line 4) Two or three things, people, or ideas that the person loved
(Line 5) Three feelings the person experienced
(Line 6) Three fears the person experienced
(Line 7) Accomplishments (who composed . . . , who discovered . . . , etc.)
(Line 8) Two or three things the person wanted to see happen or wanted to experience
(Line 9) His or her residence
(Line 10) Last name






Aurasma parent focus group


A huge thanks to the parents who attended the first aurasma focus group today. Everyone was excited and amazed by the auras and the ideas were flowing about the potential within the nursery.


One thing to emerge was that was more support in using the app to begin would be beneficial. We talked about a few solutions from support from myself although I pointed out I was learning too, and an on line area where staff and parents can discuss aurasma, ask questions, troubleshoot, support and generally make this work. We talked about starting a blog when it was pointed out we already have one!


So here is your aurasma page. Feel free to ask any questions, post links to web pages, share anything you have learned to do with the app … basically lets get a collaborative community of adult learners up and running. We are here to learn together and there is no such thing as a mistake, only a learning opportunity. It’s good to get it wrong.




To begin with, here is the power point and hand out from the focus group for reference.


Aurasma hand out


Lets get posting and sharing our experiences.

Thanks to the website for the terminology in the handout


21st February 2015

Big thanks to everyone who came along to the aurasma focus group meeting. 13 parents in total and I am delighted so many were able to attend and offer their support in this new adventure into technical land.You are leading the way for future children and their families who will attend St Ninians nursery.

The next steps are as follows :-

  • Susan will write up a short report, roughly in the form of an action research project, which will be distributed to everyone in the focus group.
  • Mrs Young has requested a copy so it can be presented to the school PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
  • Trigger images will be sent home to the focus group over the coming weeks for testing so we can launch on the open evening in March.
  • Comments, troubleshooting and general support and chat will be ongoing in comments section of this thread.
  • Any face to face questions, see Susan (might not have all the answers but will try)


Some of the points that were raised  between both the focus groups were around the following:-

  • Appropriate tools for the task?
  • Funding for a nursery ipad?
  • Formation of a fund raising committee
  • The positive effectiveness of Twitter and its use throughout the school
  • Time management / additional workload for staff to create auras.

If there is anything issues I have forgotten, please leave them in the comments or email me at

One goal is to send out information regarding Aurasma to all families  so we can roll it out to everyone.

Thanks to you all again Tech Team! I am really excited at this new way of making learning visible. It’s like 3d learning.


Bootcamp Blogging Bonanza!


St Ninians Nursery is a 30/30 nursery class attached to St Ninians Primary School in Stirling. We have children aged between 3 and 5 who attend Monday to Friday to learn through play.

The nursery already has an established blog however I would like to create a glow blog to compliment this. I hope that through our glow blog I will be able to contribute to and build on the early years presence from practitioner up.

In attending the boot camp I hope to learn new skills which will compliment existing ones and be part of a growing collaborative community who are focused on making glow work for us.

Looking forward to the next weeks and developing my ICT skills further.

Of course none of this will be possible without the wit and wisdom on our young learners. Thanks in advance!

Susan Goodman,

Senior Early Childhood Educator


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