Parents Twitter feedback – May 2015

A massive thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the twitter questionnaire that went home last week. We really need your feedback to improve our setting and give us ideas about the ways in which to continue to build links between nursery and home, developing our learning community.

The information that you shared with us is giving us a clear message. Twitter is an important tool to use to allow us to share learning between home and nursery and vice versa. It takes no time at all to capture an image (which we are already doing for inclusion in journals), writing 140 characters and posting it online. In fact, it is quite refreshing to have to write a short blurb that includes everything that needs to be said about the images.

We can use Twitter to:-

  • showcase learning, giving real life examples of the Curriculum for Excellence in action.
  • post a wish list of resources i.e. junk, newspapers etc.
  • send out reminders of upcoming events that can be accessed 24/7.
  • provide an insight into what is happening in the playroom for all parents whether they drop in everyday, a few times a week.
  •  enable parents and carers  who work away from home or extended family who live far away to share in the life  and play of the nursery and have provocations for conversations with their young family.
  • enable us to connect with our nursery and school community.
  • allow parents to view some learning in real time
  • inform followers when this blog is updated.
  • post videos of learning and the children’s ideas and theories
  • share information
  • build an interactive, two way on line community with parents and carers.
  • and on, and on, and on……..


We fully understand that Twitter is not for everyone and we respect your decision.

For those who are following us on Twitter and not interacting, why don’t you give it a go. You do not need to post pictures or videos, just a few words to get a dialogue going would be amazing.  So go on, give it a go. We can do this together.

Our Twitter feed is the responsibility of Susan so any questions or ideas, please speak to her. The smallest of suggestions will be most welcome.

**Please note**

This is the feedback for the only the nursery and does not include the school forms.


Twitter Questionnaire feedback April 2015

Q.1. Do you follow us on twitter?
Yes: 9 No: 4

Q.2. If you do not use Twitter, would you be interested in accessing Twitter to find out more information about your child’s learning experiences?
If no, please could you tell us why you do not wish to use Twitter?
Yes (go to question 8)
No (questionnaire completed)
• 1 no – Do not use twitter
• 1 yes – I just haven’t got round to using Twitter at all for anything yet. I feel short of time to work it out and I am happy with my child’s nursery experience so I don’t feel it is an urgent thing.

Q.3. Which pages do you follow? (Tick all that apply)
School page: 3
Nursery page: 9

Q.4. How often do you access the St Ninians Twitter pages?
Daily 5
Every few days 3
Once a week
Once every few weeks 1

Q.5.What do you think are the positives of Twitter?
• Excellent way of discussing nursery learning with child. Encourages them to communicate about their learning. Enjoy seeing all the fun and learning and sharing home experiences, connecting home and school together.
• Getting to see your child in action and finding out what they have been doing. He doesn’t always tell me what’s going on!
• Being able to get an insight into the children’s day at nursery and to see what interesting and fun things they get up to. Also being able to interact with the page.
• Informs parents and keeps them up to date with events, particularly parents who work.
• Regular communication, ease of access, no bits of paper to lose.
• Love seeing the photos and posts about children’s learning
• Get to know what kids are doing at nursery. Let us talk about what they are learning at home.
• Good way of communication and being able to see pictures of what happens during nursery sessions.
• It gives me an idea of some of what has happened in the classroom so we can talk about it at home. The kids can no longer say they did nothing! Also allows the kids to let their class know what they are doing at home.

Q.6. What do you think are the negatives of twitter?
• None
• Privacy
• ?No control of what is said
• None, my daughter is always disappointed when she can’t find her group or herself though!
• Concerns that this is one more thing that teachers have to do that takes them away from teaching. Did like the tweets that were taken, written and tweeted by one of the nursery children – good life learning. I hadn’t realised it wasn’t all of the classes and I think my kids would feel they were missing out if one of them could not tweet next year.

Q.7. Can you think of any ways we could improve Twitter?
• No-keep it up!
• More tweets /photos of what is happening at school during the day.
• No, think it is really good.
• Rolling it out to include all of the classes.

Q.8. Is there anything the school/nursery could do to help parents use Twitter more easily?
• Perhaps an information event to learn about how to use it, tricks about Twitter, security and Twitter etc
• I found the instruction given by the nursery nice and clear.
• Already advertise it and invite parents to use it, rest I believe is up to the parents.
• I have sent a request to the schools twitter page
• Maybe some sort of sessional guide for how to use twitter for parents/carers who have never used it.

Q.9. Any other comments or suggestions?
• Love twitter and the fact the nursery/school use it! Hope all classes use as my child moves up the school.
• Love seeing all the pictures of the children throughout the day. Keep up the good work 
• I think it’s a super way to keep parents informed!