Drama in P5/6A

P5/6A recreated scenes from Roman times in a drama lesson today and the other classmates had to decide was it:

A slave versus a lion.

A gladiator with a sword v another with a spear.

Ceaser watching the battle.

A gladiator with a net and trident versus a lion.

We all had fun acting and guessing.

More photos to follow!




American Civil Rights

As part of their 1960s topic, the pupils in P7B have been learning about the American Civil Rights Movement. Today, at the beginning of our lesson, pupils took part in a discussion about whether or not it is ever acceptable to break the law. They then went on to learn about the story of Rosa Parks and how she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus. Pupils then reflected upon the question from the beginning of the lesson again and many of them had changed their views. The pupils then worked in small groups to create a short scene demonstrating what they had learned about Rosa Parks and her role in the American Civil Rights Movement.