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‘Our School Vision’

Our Primary School is a small, rural school in beautiful environs. It was built in 1960 to replace a very old school building, which was the original school. A standing stone which is believed to be a lintel or cornerstone, sits in the playground and is the only remaining evidence of the old school.

We have 33 children at present, coming from three communities.  Our vision for the children at our Primary School is to provide opportunities to enable them to be healthy, happy, confident, and to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment. I believe that everyone in the school community has a role to play in this vision, and look forward to building on partnerships with parents, the local community and local businesses as well as other agencies that help support the development of children’s education.

Our aim is to keep the whole school community informed about all the amazing work we do. Throughout each academic session, we will endeavour to share information from the classroom, whole school activities, curriculum developments and Parent Partnership activities.

I look forward to working in partnership with you to give your child a very enjoyable primary school experience.

Head teacher

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