Tag Archives: GTCS

GTCS Learning for Sustainability Reflection Tool

Reflecting on your practice within LfS and considering how you are nurturing it in the classroom and beyond?
The LfS coaching wheel and reflective questions be found here:
Follow this link to explore LfS within the Standard relevant to you.

New GTCS Professional Values Learning Resource

GTC Scotland has produced a new professional learning resource to support school leaders, groups of teachers and individuals to explore their Professional Values. LfS is integral to and weaves through the professional values.
 The Professional Values Learning Pack can be downloaded from here:
The resource explores how Professional Values underpin teacher professionalism and teacher identity. The values pack takes the form of a PowerPoint presentation, featuring video, audio and exercises that can be completed individually or as part of a group.
It is split into several sections which can be used separately or collectively to explore professional values. It also includes a coaching wheel to aid self-evaluation.