
Digital Learning

The internet hosts many exciting opportunities for education. The online world is a wonderful place for young people to explore, with unprecedented opportunities for learning and creativity, but just like the real world there are risks and dangers they should be aware of and which we should all act to protect them from. At Cambusbarron Primary & Nursery we encourage the use of technology as an important part of our children’s development but always want them to spend their time online safely. In school we are developing  an internet safety code of conduct that all pupils and staff are expected to adhere too.  We have strong and constantly updated filters in place to protect and govern internet use.

At Cambusbarron we are developing an E-safety programme from Nursery to P7 where children will learn about a range of issues such as keeping personal information private cyber bullying and sensible use of technology. Children in the Early Years learn about e-safety through stories and other relevant media. We celebrate Safer Internet Day each year which focuses on children thinking about their role in creating a safer internet community for everyone.

Parent Power

The best way to protect your children online is to be informed yourself and make it part of your day to day life.  We spend years training our children to cross the road and stay away from strangers in the outside world in all the daily little messages we give them before we ever let them out there on their own.  Training them to be safe online should be an equal part of these safety messages, after all they can be out in the ‘world wide web’ from a very young age, unsupervised at times.  Use the websites below to help you find the best ways to talk to your children about keeping safe online.

***Please remember that Social Media Sites (e.g. Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, Instagram etc) have a minimum age requirement of 13+ in their terms and conditions.  Also Whats App and other internet based messaging services can only be used by 16 year olds and over.***

Parental Controls

Many of the large internet providers list details of how you can add parental controls and restrictions that you can put in place to restrict your child’s use of the internet in your home.  You can also add restrictions on individual devices. Best advice is to Google the device in question with a search for ‘parental controls’.

If you have any expertise or ideas for E-Safety please get in touch with the school. We would love to hear from you.