Family Fun – Just for Fun

  The Forestry Commission have put together 10 Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained. They’ve got great ideas including Flying School with Zog, virtual reality forest experiences, a Gruffalo nature hunt.      Lucky Dip Choose a mix of active, creative and mindful activities from this grid. luckyDip   Fun at Home Ideas The document below has a huge list for family fun ideas for P4-7 – although lots of

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Family Fun – Word Games

Word Ladders  Decide on a theme, such as animals, then make a written list of words within a given time. The next word must begin with the last letter of the previous word. e.g. tiger – rabbit – terrapin – newt.   Word within a Word Think of a word, then try to find as many words as possible within that word. e.g. important = pin, ant, rot, etc.  

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Family Fun – Numeracy & Maths

Number Tennis Serve a ‘number’ under 100. Your partner must return the serve by responding with the number that would make your total 100, within a strict 5 second time limit. e.g. 1) serve “45” 2) responds “55”. Variations: 5, 10, 20, 1000, 1 (0.3 served / 0.7 responded)   Gimme 5  Give your partner a start number and ask them to count backwards or forwards. They must say the

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