Home Page

A  warm welcome to our  Cambusbarron Primary School website.


Our school is part of a growing village community with a strong identity and rich historical background. We very much value the role the school plays within our community and are committed to developing stronger partnerships to enrich the learning experiences of our children.

Through our curriculum, we aim:

o To provide learning experiences which are relevant, challenging and enjoyable
o To equip children with the necessary skills, attitudes and ambitions to help them on their learning journeys
o To encourage children to be creative, to adapt to change and to be actively involved in and responsible for their learning
o To encourage good citizenship by promoting the values of respect, responsibility, friendliness, honesty, courage and ambition.
o To equip children with an understanding of their own learning
o To encourage children to understand and value both our local and wider communities.

Our aims are linked to Stirling Council aims and the National Priorities for Education. The work we do reflects Stirling Council’s Mission Statement “Improving Life through Learning”.

Children, teaching staff, support staff, parents, carers and the wider community make up our vibrant school community. We acknowledge and value the contributions from our school community and how they support us in taking our school forward.


Our Vision & Principles are displayed in our school entrance.

We have high expectations for our young people and aim to ensure they enjoy quality learning experiences which meet their needs and challenge them to progress in all aspects of their development.


Our School House Display Board. Our Houses are Grierson, Polmaise, Bruce and Hayford.

I hope our website helps inform you a little about Cambusbarron Primary and enables you to share our children’s exciting learning journey.

Mr Mark Hill
