Family Fun – Word Games

Word Ladders 

Decide on a theme, such as animals, then make a written list of words within a given time. The next word must begin with the last letter of the previous word. e.g. tiger – rabbit – terrapin – newt.


Word within a Word

Think of a word, then try to find as many words as possible within that word. e.g. important = pin, ant, rot, etc.


Missing Letters

Write down a word with some letters missing, set a specific time and complete the word – there could be a number of possibilities for each word. e.g. st_p stop, stoop, strip, etc.



Draw a 3×3 grid and fill each square with a different letter. Then find as many words as possible within a given time or find the longest word.


Silly Voices

Read a book to someone younger than you.  Use lots of expression and silly voices!


Snuggle Up

Snuggle up in bed, on the sofa or in a den and read out loud to someone you love.


Cheddar Gorge


You start by giving a one word, the next person says the next word and keep going to make a sentence that makes sense – but might be a little silly! Don’t forget to extend the sentence with VCOP.


A: The

B:… boy

C: carefully

A: …opened


Kangaroo Words

How many kangaroo words can you find?

It’s a word with a related synonym inside.

e.g. cHickEN, BLOssOM, hoNOraBLE


Vocabulary Lines

Select a word and organise the synonyms of that word from most to least like the word you chose.

e.g. meander – to walk slowly and not in a straight line

roam, drift, mosey, stroll, traipse, ramble, gallivant


Map Writing

Maps are fascinating things. Create a map for an unknown island then write about life on this island. Who, or what lives there? What’s the landscape like? What’s there to eat? Do? Etc.

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