Bike Raffle!

Here is our shiny new bike that will be raffled off!

Tickets will be on sale from tomorrow (16/11) for £1 a strip.

The bike will be raffled off at the Christmas Fayre!

In-service Day

A reminder that this Monday (19/11) is an in-service day and the school will be closed to the children.

School will be open as normal on Tuesday (20/11).

Highland Games Draw

The draw for this year’s Highland Games will be announced very soon at assembly. Parents of successful entries will be notified before the children to allow us to confirm if they are able to take part.

Book Bug Sessions

This year’s Book Bug Session are as follows –

Primary 1 – 20th (Tue) from 3pm – 4:30pm

Primary 2 – 22nd (Thu) from 3pm – 4:30pm

Primary 3 – 27th (Tue) from 3pm – 4:15pm.

These sessions are really worthwhile and give some great ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home!

Book Week Scotland

Book Week Scotland will take place the week beginning 26th November. We have decided to move it back by a week to allow us to have a full 5 day week to fit everything in!

A letter explaining everything that is happening and how you can get involved will be coming home next Tuesday (20th).

Book Club orders

If anyone would like to order anything from the Book Club magazine that was sent home a few weeks ago, orders must be in before this Friday (16th).

Christmas Fayre

This year at the Christmas Fayre we will be raffling off a bike! More details soon!

A reminder that anyone who would like a stall at the Christmas Fayre should contact Mrs Duncan as soon as possible.

Parent helpers

Thank you to all the parent helpers who attended last week’s meeting. Mrs Duncan is currently liaising with staff to organise timetables and will be in touch with everyone ASAP.

We did it!

A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has helped us to collect Sun Book tokens over the last few weeks!

We are very happy to say that we have blown past the 3,500 requirement with time to spare!

Special thanks must go to Ms Storrie and to the Best One Shop (Cheema’s) on Priory Road for putting in so much effort to help us collect so many tokens.

All the brand new books will be on their way to the school soon!

Thank you all!

Whole School Committees

Our children from P1-7 took part in their first ‘whole school committees’ last Friday. Please ask your children what they got up to in their committee and how they are continuing to be involved in the life and ethos here at Woodpark.

Don’t forget to check the class pages on the website as well to see everything your child will be learning in class this term!

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