Tag Archives: YFCL Officer

Week Beginning Monday 19th December 2022

Welcome to the Head Teacher’s blog for Week Beginning 19th December 2022

A Big Thank You!

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their patience and understanding and co-operation over these past few days while we have had to implement our Adverse Weather plans due to the difficult weather conditions.

Christmas Pantomime

Our fabulous PTA have generously provided a pantomime performance for all of the children in the Nursery and P1-7.  This year’s performance is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ by Hopscotch Theatre Productions.

This takes place in the school hall on Friday 23rd December 2023.  What a wonderful way for our children to enjoy the last day of term!

To accommodate the performance, we will have an earlier lunchtime for P1-7 from 12.10pm-12.55pm.

Thank you once again to PTA for this lovely Christmas treat!

Christmas Holiday

School and Nursery close at 2.30pm on Friday 23rd December 2022 for the Christmas holidays.

We re-open on Monday 9th January 2023 at the usual times.  (Breakfast Club will be open from 8.15am as normal on 9th)

Non-Uniform Day

Our next non-uniform day is Friday 23rd December 2023.  The theme is ‘Christmas Jumper/Festive Sparkle’.

Planned Industrial Action Letter

A letter was issued to parents/carers last week about possible industrial action scheduled to take place in the New Year.  It can be viewed by clicking the link below:


Staffing Update

Miss Jazmin Steven, one of our wonderful School Support Assistants will leave us on Friday 23rd December 2023 to begin an exciting new career as a Fire Fighter.

In the time Miss Steven has worked at Woodhead, she has had a huge impact on the children and classes she supports.  She will be missed by staff and pupils alike.

Miss Steven also helps run our Breakfast Club.  From January 2023, Mrs. Dunsmore will take over this role.

We wish Miss Steven all the best for the future and her new job!

Support during the winter break

Winter and Christmas can be an expensive time of year. We know this will be hard financially for some of our families. Please find below some of the options available for support:

Scottish Child Payment

Scottish Child Payment Applications are open for children aged under 16.

People can apply for the payment of £100 every 4 weeks if they:

  • get Universal Credit, Tax Credits or other qualifying benefits.
  • have a child or children aged under 16.

Apply at https://www.mygov.scot/scottish-child-payment. This should take around 10-20 minutes.

There is no limit to the number of children you can apply for and receiving Scottish Child Payment will not affect your tax or other benefits.

If you cannot apply online, you can apply by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222.

Warm Welcome

With the cost of living rising, SLC have established Warm Welcome’ locations across South Lanarkshire. Venues including libraries, leisure facilities and community spaces can be accessed throughout the winter months, where a range of support, facilities and activities can be found.

Anyone who is looking for a ‘Warm Welcome’ can find local venues by using a new interactive map and postcode checker found at the following website: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/WarmWelcome

Money Matters

Money Matters Advice Service is an energy and benefit advice service that offers specialist help and assistance, including helping you negotiate with your energy provider.  The service can help access energy hardship funds, make referrals for emergency prepayment top up vouchers or help discuss debt and provide you with help.

You can access this help by calling Money Matters on 0300 029 0041 or fill in a form requesting a call back at www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/MMAS

Youth, Family and Community Learning Officer (YfCL)

Please contact our YfCL Officer, Caroline Stewart, if you think she could offer some support or advice, all of which will be treated sensitively and confidentially. Caroline works in Woodhead on a Monday and Tuesday.

School Lunch Menu

It is Week 2 of the school and nursery lunch menu from Monday 19th December 2022

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/2

Nursery Menu:


All children in Nursery to P5 are entitled to a free school lunch.

School Milk – 9th January 2023

Due to the schedule of deliveries, there will be no milk available for pupils on Monday 9th January 2023.

P7 Bikeability

The final session of P7 Bikeability has been rescheduled to Friday 13th January 2023.  All children involved should bring their bike and helmet to school that day.

School Values Award Recipients

The following children were recognised this week by their class teacher for following the Woodhead Way in class, and displaying the school values.  They received the School Values Award at assembly on Friday 16th December 2022

Sam A P1a Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination

Becca M P1b Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Aiden B P2b Friendship, Respect, Determination
Eilidh P P3 Friendship, Excellence, Determination
Keira P P3/4 Friendship, Respect, Excellence
Amelia M P4 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,


Alex J P4/5 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Dinethya K P5 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Determination, Equality

Cadence D-T P6 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Jacob D P6/7 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Finn L P7a Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Michael M P7b Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Playground Awards

We’ve been unable to have playtime outdoors all week due to the icy conditions.  Our support staff have chosen children to receive the playground award who have followed the Woodhead Way during indoor breaks for being Ready, Respectful and Safe:

Adeline D-T P7b
Casey K P7b
Ella C P4
Lexi T P2a
Brodie H P2b

Over and Above

The following children were recognised as going ‘Over and Above’ in class, not only demonstrating the Woodhead Way, but going beyond the expectations in all aspects of school life this week.  They will be recognised with a special Reward Time this week:

Jack P P1a
James B P1b
Freya H P2b
Fraser S P3
Aidan S P3/4
Luke Y P4
Ben G P4/5
Isla C P5
Lilly F P6
Nathan C P6/7
Joel K P7a
Shelley S P7b

Extra-Curricular Clubs this week:

  • Thursday 22nd December 2022: Film Club (finishes at 4.15pm)

All other clubs are finished for the term.  

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Wednesday 21st December 2022: Christmas Sing-a-long
    • P1-3/4: 9.30am (Doors open at 9am)      P4-7 11.15am (Doors open at 11am)
  • Friday 23rd December 2022: Christmas Jumper Non-Uniform Day.
  • Friday 23rd December 2022: Pantomime Performance of Jack and the Beanstalk.
  • Friday 23rd December 2022: School and Nursery closes at 2.30pm for Christmas holiday.
  • Monday 9th January 2023: School and Nursery re-open for Term 3 at the usual times.
  • Tuesday 10th January 2023: Planned Industrial Action by Teaching Staff.

Riddle of the Week

Well done to everyone who told me the correct answer to last week’s Riddle:

“What can go up a chimney down, but can’t go down a chimney up?”

 The correct answer was ‘An umbrella

This week’s riddle is:

What’s something that, the more you take, the more you leave behind?

A house point to every pupil who shares the correct answer with Mr. Clark.

Can your child solve it without parental help or googling it?

My last day as Head Teacher of Woodhead Primary School and Nursery Class is Friday 23rd December 2023.

As this will be my final HT Blog, I would like to that all parents/carers, staff and pupils past and present for everything that they have done over the past 5 years.

There have been very many times when I have been blown away by the kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity of the Woodhead community.

I have been tremendously proud to be the Head Teacher of our fabulous school and go with very fond memories.

Thank you to everyone for their kind words of support over these past few weeks in particular.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a happy and prosperous New Year, and all the very best for the future.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher

Week Beginning Monday 19th September 2022

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Head Teacher’s blog.

Additional Bank Holiday

School and nursery are closed on Monday 19th September 2022 as this is an additional bank holiday to mark the state funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. We reopen on Tuesday 20th September 2022 at the usual times.

September Weekend

School and Nursery are closed on Friday 23rd and  Monday 26th September 2022 for the September long weekend holiday

Open Day

Out Primary 1-7 Open Day takes place on Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 9.30am or 1.30pm.  Parents/carers will have an opportunity to visit their child/ten in class and join in with shared target setting for the year ahead.  We invited you to join us for one of the sessions and ask that you limit visitors to 2 per family.  Doors will open at 9am or 1.15pm with tea/coffee available.

Standards and Quality 2022 and School Improvement Plan 2022-23

Our annual Standards and Quality Report which gives details of our improvement work for last session, pupil attainment and our work on closing the equity gap has been published and can be viewed by following this link:


The Improvement Plan for 2022-23 which outlines our targets and intended measures for the year ahead is also using these links:

Plan on a Page:


School Improvement Plan:


If you would like to comment or ask a question about any of these documents, please use this Microsoft Form (which closes on Thursday 22nd at 11am):


Youth, Family and Community Learning Service

Hello to all parents/carers

My name is Caroline Stewart. I am a Youth, Family and Community Learning Worker based at Woodhead Primary School. My role is to engage with families to offer positive learning opportunities that help support pupils and their parents/carers. The event below may be of interest to you:

The Wee Blether group parent/carer drop in sessions.

(Tea/coffee/biscuits and chat and invited guest speakers some weeks) will start next Tuesday 9-11am on Tuesday 20th September. I would be delighted to if you were able to come along. Drop-ins will be weekly until further notice.

I you would like any more information I am available at Woodhead Primary School on a Monday/Tuesday on 01698 457669. Alternatively, you can email me on gw14stewartcaroline@glow.sch.uk

Hope to see you there!

Caroline Stewart

Parent Council Constitution

The Woodhead Parent Council has proposed changes to their constitution.  They invite all members of the Parent Forum (ie parents/carers of pupils at Woodhead Primary or Nursery) to vote on these proposed changes.

There is also 1 vacancy on the Parent Council. To express an interest in becoming a member, you should complete the relevant section of the PC Constitution form. Please note that a ballot will be held should the number of volunteers exceed the number of vacancies

PC Constitution Form: https://forms.office.com/r/5NpAZ3ng5R (Closes at 3pm on 22nd September 2022).

School Lunches

It’s back to Week 1 of the 2022-23 school and nursery lunch menus from Tuesday 20th to Thursday 22nd September 2022.  All Nursery and Primary 1-5 pupils are entitled to a free school meal.

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023

Nursery Menu:


Primary 1 parents should use this Google Form to pre-order their child’s lunch by 9am on Tuesday 20th September:


This will be the last week for pre-orders.  After the September weekend, Primary 1 children will order their lunch in class each morning.

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Monday 19th September 2022:  Bank Holiday (School and Nursery Closed)
  • Wednesday 21st September 2022:  P7 House Captain Presentations
  • Thursday 22nd September 2022: P1-7 Open Day
  • Friday 23rd and Monday 26th September 2022:  September long weekend (School and Nursery closed)
  • WB Tuesday 27th September 2022: Maths Week Scotland
  • Friday 30th September 2022:  Non-uniform Day (No Theme)
  • Tuesday 4th October 2022:  PC and PTA Meetings (6.45pm-8.30pm)

Thank you for your continued support.  Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher

Week Beginning Monday 5th September 2022

Welcome to this week’s Head Teacher’s Blog.  I hope you have had a lovely weekend, despite the changing weather.

On Friday afternoon, we had a whole school assembly.  It was Primary 1’s first time at assembly and they sat beautifully throughout.  We enjoyed singing together and celebrated our special awards and achievements.

Pupils in Primary 7 launched their ‘Reading for Pleasure’ campaign and showcased posters they have made to go around the school to promote reading for pleasure.

It was a real treat to have everyone together and I was very impressed with the confidence of the Primary 7 children who spoke in front of the whole school.

Industrial Action

Following suspension of industrial action on Friday evening, South Lanarkshire have confirmed all schools and nurseries are expected to open as normal next week.

Parent Council and PTA AGM

The PC and PTA AGM will take place on Tuesday 6th September 2022 at 6.45pm.  This meeting was intended to take place via Zoom due to the proposed industrial action.

It will be confirmed on Monday 5th Sep if it is possible for this meeting to take place in person.

SLT Drop-In

The first drop-in session to chat with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will take place on Monday 12th September 2022 between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.

The purpose of these drop-ins is to allow parents/carers an opportunity to speak with a member of the leadership team in an informal setting.

It is an opportunity to get advice and support with areas such as:

  • Home Learning
  • IT Support e.g. Google Classroom
  • Supporting your child with anxiety/worry.
  • General Curriculum questions

It is not an opportunity to get an update on your child’s progress or to raise a concern/complaint.  

Our YFLC Officer, Caroline Stewart, will also be on hand to offer advice on matters such as:

  • parenting support
  • money and finance matters
  • access to community groups and support
  • helping your child with anxiety/stress/worry etc.

To give us an idea of uptake, please complete this Google Form if you would like to come along to the drop-in.


Please note, due to the nature of a drop-in session, parents/carers will be seen on a first-come/first-served basis.

Painting Shirts

Miss Martin is looking for some old adult shirt to use as painting smocks.  If you have anything suitable that you no longer need, please hand these into the school office.

Participatory Budget

Participatory Budget (PB) is the process in which parents/carers and pupils can be involved in making decisions about how a percentage of our Pupil Equity Fund can be spent.  Mrs. Keltie is our PB lead.  She sent home a leaflet last week for parents/carers to express an interest in becoming part of a PB Focus Group:
If you are interested in becoming part of this group, please return the form by Friday 9th September 2022 or email the school office on gw14woodheadpsoffice@glow.sch.uk

YFCL Officer

Our Youth Family and Community Learning Officer (YFCL), Caroline will be organising parental workshops and family learning opportunities  this year.

We are keen to ensure the topics and themes of these are relevant and suitable for our community and we seek your views on these.

Caroline has created a short questionnaire for parents/carers to allow her to gather this information.  We’d be grateful if you could complete this by Friday 9th September 2022


Two opportunities for parents/carers to attend workshops begin this month.  Look out for a flyer coming home this week:

School Lunch Menu

The school and nursery lunch menu for the week ahead is Week 2 of the new 2022-23 menu.

Week 2 (School): https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/2

Week 2 (Nursery):


Primary 1 parents/carer should pre-order lunches using this Google Form by Monday 5th September 2022 at 9am:


Upcoming Dates for your diary

  • Tuesday 6th September 2022: PC and PTA AGM (6.45pm-8.30pm)
  • Monday 12th September 2022: SLT Drop-in Session (3.30pm-5.30pm)
  • Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th September 2022: School and Nursery photographs
  • Thursday 22nd September 2022: P1-7 Open Day (9.30am and 1.30pm)


The date of the P4/5 and P5 Learning Showcase has changed from the one advertised in our Annual Calendar.  This will now take place on Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 9.30am

Thank you for your continued to support.  Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher