Tag Archives: in-service day

Week Beginning Monday 14th November 2022

Welcome to the Head Teacher’s blog for Week Beginning 14th November 2022.

In-service Day

Parent Teacher Consultations for P4/5

I am sorry that Mrs. Mackie’s parents’ evenings had to be cancelled on Thursday.

The rearranged dates are:

Tuesday 15th November 2022 (3.30pm-5.30pm)
Thursday 17th November 2022 (3.30pm-5.30pm)

You can book an appointment at https://woodhead.schoolcloud.co.uk/

Booking closes at 9am on Tuesday 15th November 2022.

If you are unable to attend, please still log in and mark yourself as unavailable.

Primary 1b Parent Consultations

The dates for the P1b rearranged parents’ evenings are still to be confirmed.  Information will be sent via email soon.

Parent Council Vacancy

A vacancy has become available for a Nursery parent/carer representative on the Parent Council.  None of the people on the waiting list are eligible as the constitution stipulates that there must be at least one nursery member.

If you have a child at Woodhead Nursery Class and are interested in joining the Parent Council, please complete this Google Form by Friday 25th November 2022.


In the event more than one person expresses an interest, a ballot will take place.

PTA Christmas Fete


School Lunch Menu

It is Week 3 of the school and nursery lunch menu from Monday 14th November 2022

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/3

Nursery Menu:


All children in Nursery to P5 are entitled to a free school lunch.

School Values Award Recipients

The following children were recognised in the past weeks by their class teacher for following the Woodhead Way in class, and displaying the school values.  They received the School Values Award at assembly on Friday 11th November 2022:

28th October 2022 Winners:

Sam A P1a Friendship, Respect, Honesty,


Flora M P1b Friendship, Respect, Determination
Matthew G P2a Friendship, Respect, Excellence
Emilie M P2b Friendship, Respect, Determination
Ahyaa A P3 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Jacob M P3/4 Excellence, Determination
Adaira T P4 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,


Daniel G P4/5 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Determination, Equality

Zoey F P5 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Adrianna E P6/7 Friendship
Nicole C P6 Friendship, Equality
Zoe C P7a Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Cooper G P7b Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality


Friday 11th November winners:

Isabella J P1b Friendship, Excellence, Determination
Ella J P2a Friendship, Respect, Honesty
Jade D P2b Friendship, Respect, Determination
Aaron R P3 Friendship, Respect, Excellence, Determination
Jaxon L P3/4 Friendship, Respect, Excellence, Determination
Jay G P4 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,


Ollie M P4/5 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,


James B P5 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,


Amelia A P6 Friendship, Respect, Honesty,


Angel J P7a Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality

Leah P P7b Friendship, Respect, Honesty,

Excellence, Determination, Equality


Playground Awards

In the playground, our Support Staff recognised the following children for following the Woodhead Way and being Ready, Respectful and Safe:

Friday 28th October winners:

Keira P P3/4
Sean R P7a
Rebecca M P1a
Isabella J P1a
Zak P P3
Keira P P3/4
Ollie C P3/4


Friday 11th November winners:

Kyle T P7b
Blake M P3
Willow T P3/4
Emily B P4/5
Lexi T P2a
Harley C P2b

Over and Above

The following children were recognised as going ‘Over and Above’ in class, not only demonstrating the Woodhead Way, but going beyond the expectations in all aspects of school life this week.  They will be recognised with a special Reward Time this week:

Friday 28th October Recipients:

Kacey M P1a
Leo C P1b
Lexi T P2a
Harley N P2b
Ezra G P3
Aria H P3/4
Harrison G P4
Harley C P4/5
Siqi G P5
Jacob D P6/7
Lewis A P6
Millie L P7a
Corey F P7b


Friday 11th November Recipients:

Clark A P1b
Amaya M P2a
Zainab M P2b
Alistair A P3
Lexi B P3/4
Carson G 4
Eilidh M 4/5
Jack H P5
Kayla C P6
Lucas A P7a
Jacob C P7b


Extra Curricular Clubs this week:

  • Tuesday 15th November 2022: Netball
  • Wednesday 16th November 2022: Choir
  • Thursday 17th November 2022: Film Club (finishes at 4.15pm)
  • Friday 18th November 2022: P3 Multi-sports (Lunch Time club)

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Monday 14th November 2022: Inservice Day (School and Nursery closed to pupils)
  • Wednesday 16th November 2022: P7a and P7b Learning Showcase (9.30am)
  • Friday 25th November 2022: Non-Uniform Day (Odd Socks Theme)
  • Saturday 26th November 2022: PTA Christmas Fayre (11am-1pm)

Riddle of the Week

Well done to everyone who told me the correct answer to last week’s Riddle:

Two fathers and 2 sons spent the day fishing, but only caught 3 fish. This was enough for each of them to have one fish. How is this possible?

 The correct answer was ‘It is possible because there are only thee people – Grandad, Dad and Son (2 fathers and 2 sons).

This week’s riddle is:

I make a loud sound when I’m changing. When I do change, I get bigger but weigh less. What am I?

A house point to every pupil who shares the correct answer with Mr. Clark.

Can your child solve it without parental help or googling it?

Thank you for your continued support. Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher