Tag Archives: Dates

Week Beginning Monday 5th September 2022

Welcome to this week’s Head Teacher’s Blog.  I hope you have had a lovely weekend, despite the changing weather.

On Friday afternoon, we had a whole school assembly.  It was Primary 1’s first time at assembly and they sat beautifully throughout.  We enjoyed singing together and celebrated our special awards and achievements.

Pupils in Primary 7 launched their ‘Reading for Pleasure’ campaign and showcased posters they have made to go around the school to promote reading for pleasure.

It was a real treat to have everyone together and I was very impressed with the confidence of the Primary 7 children who spoke in front of the whole school.

Industrial Action

Following suspension of industrial action on Friday evening, South Lanarkshire have confirmed all schools and nurseries are expected to open as normal next week.

Parent Council and PTA AGM

The PC and PTA AGM will take place on Tuesday 6th September 2022 at 6.45pm.  This meeting was intended to take place via Zoom due to the proposed industrial action.

It will be confirmed on Monday 5th Sep if it is possible for this meeting to take place in person.

SLT Drop-In

The first drop-in session to chat with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will take place on Monday 12th September 2022 between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.

The purpose of these drop-ins is to allow parents/carers an opportunity to speak with a member of the leadership team in an informal setting.

It is an opportunity to get advice and support with areas such as:

  • Home Learning
  • IT Support e.g. Google Classroom
  • Supporting your child with anxiety/worry.
  • General Curriculum questions

It is not an opportunity to get an update on your child’s progress or to raise a concern/complaint.  

Our YFLC Officer, Caroline Stewart, will also be on hand to offer advice on matters such as:

  • parenting support
  • money and finance matters
  • access to community groups and support
  • helping your child with anxiety/stress/worry etc.

To give us an idea of uptake, please complete this Google Form if you would like to come along to the drop-in.


Please note, due to the nature of a drop-in session, parents/carers will be seen on a first-come/first-served basis.

Painting Shirts

Miss Martin is looking for some old adult shirt to use as painting smocks.  If you have anything suitable that you no longer need, please hand these into the school office.

Participatory Budget

Participatory Budget (PB) is the process in which parents/carers and pupils can be involved in making decisions about how a percentage of our Pupil Equity Fund can be spent.  Mrs. Keltie is our PB lead.  She sent home a leaflet last week for parents/carers to express an interest in becoming part of a PB Focus Group:
If you are interested in becoming part of this group, please return the form by Friday 9th September 2022 or email the school office on gw14woodheadpsoffice@glow.sch.uk

YFCL Officer

Our Youth Family and Community Learning Officer (YFCL), Caroline will be organising parental workshops and family learning opportunities  this year.

We are keen to ensure the topics and themes of these are relevant and suitable for our community and we seek your views on these.

Caroline has created a short questionnaire for parents/carers to allow her to gather this information.  We’d be grateful if you could complete this by Friday 9th September 2022


Two opportunities for parents/carers to attend workshops begin this month.  Look out for a flyer coming home this week:

School Lunch Menu

The school and nursery lunch menu for the week ahead is Week 2 of the new 2022-23 menu.

Week 2 (School): https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/2

Week 2 (Nursery):


Primary 1 parents/carer should pre-order lunches using this Google Form by Monday 5th September 2022 at 9am:


Upcoming Dates for your diary

  • Tuesday 6th September 2022: PC and PTA AGM (6.45pm-8.30pm)
  • Monday 12th September 2022: SLT Drop-in Session (3.30pm-5.30pm)
  • Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th September 2022: School and Nursery photographs
  • Thursday 22nd September 2022: P1-7 Open Day (9.30am and 1.30pm)


The date of the P4/5 and P5 Learning Showcase has changed from the one advertised in our Annual Calendar.  This will now take place on Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 9.30am

Thank you for your continued to support.  Please get in touch via the school office if I can assist in any way.

Kind regards

Mr. Clark

Mr. S. Jasnosz-Clark

Head Teacher