All posts by Mrs Fox

What’s On in Woodhead – week beginning 5th June 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Please see the link below to access this week’s ‘What’s On in Woodhead’.

Week beginning 5th June 2023

I have included information about the forthcoming Sports Days. We will be keeping our fingers crossed that this lovely weather continues into our Fit Planet Week! A letter from Mrs Mitchell will follow this week.

Please ensure children are wearing sun cream and have extra water this week – it can get warm inside the classrooms.

We also have a number of trips and sports events again this week so please refer to information already provided.

Many thanks,

Claire Fox

Acting Head Teacher

What’s On in Woodhead – week beginning 29th May 2023

Please find below the link for this week’s ‘What’s On’.

Week beginning 29th May 2023

We have a number of trips this week and the weather is looking lovely! Please ensure your child has sun cream applied before coming to school and has plenty of water to drink. It may be helpful to bring a sun hat too. Pupils in school this week should also bring an extra drink if they wish. Classes tend to spend a bit of time outside during nice weather so, again, sun cream and a hat may be advisable.

Many thanks,

Claire Fox

Acting Head Teacher

What’s On in Woodhead – week beginning 1st May 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Please find the link below for this weeks’ ‘What’s On in Woodhead’.

Week beginning 1st May 2023

School will be closed to pupils on Tuesday 2nd May 2023 as it is an Inservice Day.

The Coronation Street Party will take place on Thursday 4th May 2023. This will be the only menu available and pupils should now have ordered their choice of Blue, Red or Yellow. All other pupils must bring a packed lunch on Thursday.

We are looking forward to seeing our P2a and P2b families on Thursday 4th May 2023 for our Learning Showcase. Tea/coffee will be available from 9.00am and the Showcase will begin at 9.30am.

Kind regards,

Claire Fox

Acting Head Teacher

What’s on in Woodhead – week beginning 17th April 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome back – we hope our pupils have all have a lovely, fun-filled break!

To see the new ‘What’s on in Woodhead’ for week beginning 17th April, please click on the link below. This is also available on Twitter.

Week beginning 17th April 2023

Please note a change to school lunch costs from Monday 17th April – P6 and P7 will now pay £2.05. Milk will now be 29p too. Information about forthcoming events can be seen on the South Lanarkshire media clip which is available to see on our Twitter.

You can access this information on Twitter without having an account. Search ‘Woodhead Primary twitter’ to access the school information. We use Twitter to show you what is happening in classes and at whole school events.

If you haven’t already done so, please remember to sign up for Parent Portal. This will become the main form of communication and will enable you to access and update information for your child.

We are looking forward to the summer term ahead – it always a busy term with lots of lovely events for our pupils and families.

Kind regards,

Claire Fox
Acting Head Teacher