Week Beginning 6th February 2023

Welcome to the Head Teacher’s blog for Week Beginning 6th February 2023

Last Week in Woodhead

Last week, our pupils in P1 enjoyed visiting P3 to make bread! Our P3 pupils made excellent buddies for the day and P1 were very excited with their little loaves of bread at the end. Some lovely photos demonstrating their teamwork have been shared on Twitter.

P7 have been outside tidying up the school garden and preparing for Spring! We can’t wait to see the end results when you have finished and we can all enjoy the space as the weather improves.

This week at Assembly, we shared the ideas for Woodhead Awards recognition and there was a great deal of chat afterwards about favourite activities! We will be discussing these further as a staff team and hope to begin very soon.

We are delighted that our Playground Awards featured again this week as we have been outside enjoying time with our friends. P6 and P7 pupils have resumed their MUGA rota for football. Our Support Staff  had a long list of nominations this week for the awards as so many pupils are demonstrating the ‘Woodhead Way’ when outside!

Car Park

A reminder of our car park arrangements:

Only parents/carers of nursery pupils or those drivers with a ‘Blue Badge’ are permitted access to the car park for drop-off/pick up of pupils.

Parents/Carers who display a ‘Blue Badge’ are permitted access to the disabled spaces at the front of the school in line with Scottish Government guidelines:

You should only use your Blue Badge if:

All other parents/carers should not attempt to enter the car park at the start/end of the school day, even if the gate is open and unattended.

Official school transport including mini-buses and taxis are permitted to enter the school grounds, but private hire taxis are not.

We appreciate your understanding that these restrictions are necessary due to the limited space in our car park. We would also appreciate you passing this reminder to any other family members involved in school drop off and collection. 

Lockerbie Manor – Primary 7

Parents should have now received an email with details of arrangements for medical and dietary planning.

Youth, Family and Community Learning Officer (YfCL)

Please contact our YfCL Officer, Caroline Stewart, if you think she could offer some support or advice, all of which will be treated sensitively and confidentially. Caroline works in Woodhead on a Monday and Tuesday.

School Lunch Menu

It is Week 3 of the school and nursery lunch menu from Monday 30th January 2023.

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/3

Nursery Menu:


All children in Nursery to P5 are entitled to a free school lunch.

Extra-Curricular Clubs:

Monday 6th February –  Football Club this week – GIRLS

Tuesday 7th February – No Netball Club this week due to a Staff Meeting

Wednesday 25th January – Choir

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Tuesday 7th February 2023: Parent Council and PTA Meeting
  • Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th February 2023: School closed for February Holiday Weekend
  • Wednesday 1st March – Friday 3rd March 2023: P7 Residential Trip to Lockerbie Manor

Mrs Claire Fox

Acting Head Teacher