Week beginning 16th January 2023

Welcome to the Head Teacher’s blog for Week Beginning 16th January 2023

Our First Week Back

We are delighted with how our pupils have settled back into the ‘Woodhead Way’ after their Christmas break! It was lovely to hear the buzz of learning in the classrooms and we had some pupils down to show off their work! They were very proud of their achievements and so were we!

Unfortunately the weather at this time of year remains unpredictable so wet play times and lunches continue to feature. Any updates on arrival and exit from school due to adverse weather will be provided via the normal ways – text message and Twitter updates. We appreciate your support with these changes.

Lockerbie Manor – Primary 7

We are moving forward with our plans for the P7 trip to Lockerbie Manor. We will be speaking with our pupils over the next couple of weeks about their preferred activities and allocation of dorms. I will be in touch soon about arrangements for administration of medication. Please contact me if you have any questions about the forthcoming trip.

Support during the winter break

Winter can be an expensive time of year. We know this will be hard financially for some of our families. Please find below some of the options available for support:

Scottish Child Payment

Scottish Child Payment Applications are open for children aged under 16.

People can apply for the payment of £100 every 4 weeks if they:

  • get Universal Credit, Tax Credits or other qualifying benefits.
  • have a child or children aged under 16.

Apply at https://www.mygov.scot/scottish-child-payment. This should take around 10-20 minutes.

There is no limit to the number of children you can apply for and receiving Scottish Child Payment will not affect your tax or other benefits.

If you cannot apply online, you can apply by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222.

Warm Welcome

With the cost of living rising, SLC have established Warm Welcome’ locations across South Lanarkshire. Venues including libraries, leisure facilities and community spaces can be accessed throughout the winter months, where a range of support, facilities and activities can be found.

Anyone who is looking for a ‘Warm Welcome’ can find local venues by using a new interactive map and postcode checker found at the following website: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/WarmWelcome

Money Matters

Money Matters Advice Service is an energy and benefit advice service that offers specialist help and assistance, including helping you negotiate with your energy provider.  The service can help access energy hardship funds, make referrals for emergency prepayment top up vouchers or help discuss debt and provide you with help.

You can access this help by calling Money Matters on 0300 029 0041 or fill in a form requesting a call back at www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/MMAS

Youth, Family and Community Learning Officer (YfCL)

Please contact our YfCL Officer, Caroline Stewart, if you think she could offer some support or advice, all of which will be treated sensitively and confidentially. Caroline works in Woodhead on a Monday and Tuesday.

School Lunch Menu

It is Week 3 of the school and nursery lunch menu from Monday 16th January 2023.

School Menu: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200186/primary_school_information/2075/primary_school_lunch_menu_20222023/3

Nursery Menu:


All children in Nursery to P5 are entitled to a free school lunch.

School Milk – 16th January 2023

Milk deliveries have resumed and milk can be ordered via Parent Pay in the usual way for this week.

P7 Bikeability

The final session of P7 Bikeability took place on Friday 13th January 2023.  All children involved have now completed the course and will be receiving their certificate and Bikeability badge at assembly. Well done to them all – the instructors commented on how hard they all worked during the sessions.

Extra-Curricular Clubs:

Our Netball Club will resume on Tuesday 17th January 2023. Pupils will be training with Miss Miller in the PE Hall from 3.00pm – 4.00pm.

The Eco Committee will meet on Wednesday at lunch time in Room 11.

Our other clubs will resume week beginning 23rd January. I will provide an update in next week’s blog.

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Friday 27th January 2023: Non-uniform Day (Bright Colours Day)
  • Parent Council and PTA Meeting: Tuesday 7th February 2023

Mrs Claire Fox

Acting Head Teacher