Tag Archives: Hello everyone

Dynamic Earth

Hello everyone,

Two weeks ago our class went to Dynamic Earth. I thoroughly enjoyed it as I got to learn how the world works. It was really interesting. We participated in two work shops. In one we did lots of things but my favourite was when we got two bottles one on top of each other with water inside them. We spun them round in circles which created a hurricane. For me it was quite fascinating and I was intrigued. At the end of the day all of the class including Mrs Lobodowska and Mr Kettlewell got their picture taken. Then Mr Kettlewell glued the picture to a card and gave one to each of us. I had a really great time and I am thankful because Mr Kettlewell and Mrs Lobodowska went through a lot of trouble to get us that trip.

Thank you for reading my blog!

By Chase Reeves