Monthly Archives: June 2015

Quad Blogs


Our class is doing a unit study on Saving Finnegan. Saving Finnegan is a book which is set in the Island of Coll  in Scotland. The book is about a young girl called Holly. One morning she goes down to the beach and finds a whale left stranded and she called him Finnegan.  Holly was trying to look for help however the only person she could find was postman Cyril. He had  a knobbly purple, strawberry shaped nose which he poked into other people’s business. Holly’s mum said it was caused by an unhealthy fondness for moonshine. Everybody helped  Holly and Postman Cyril save Finnegan . We are currently on chapter 2 and we have lots more to find out.

By Declan Bell


Quad Blog

Room 12 have been doing a unit study called Saving Finnegan. We are only on chapter 4 but so far it is very interesting. This book is about a little girl called Holly who wakes up one morning to see a whale stranded on the beach. It takes place on the island of Coll. We all are really excited to find out what happens in the end.   By  Amy McAdamssaving finnegan

Quad Blogs


Our topic for this term is Saving Finnegan which is a Unit Study. Saving Finnegan is a book which is set in the Island of Coll in Scotland. It is about a girl called Holly. One morning Holly goes down to the beach and finds a whale stranded, she calls it Finnegan. The first person she tells is Postman Cyril. Most of the kids on the island dislike him. he has a knobbly, purple, strawberry-shaped nose which he poked into other people`s business. Holly`s mum said that it was caused by an unhealthy fondness for moonshine. Everybody started to help Holly on her mission to save a whale from death.

By Matthew McGrath

Quad blog

For my class unit study we have been  reading BeachedWhale3Saving Finnegan. It is about  a girl called Holly . Holly wakes up one morning, the sun was nearly rising. She pulls on her jeans and goes down to the beach and sees a strange rock in the middle of the beach. Holly goes to investigate, she discovers the rock is actually a whale. We are on chapter 2 just now and  there is more to come.


By Chloe Murray

Quad Blog

In room 12 we have a new unit study called Saving Finnegan. This book is about a girl called Holly who finds a whale washed up on the shore. We have only just started this and we are on chapter 4 .   This book is based on the island of Coll.  So far we have really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to hear the end.


By Ava Curran 🙂

Quad Blog



In my class we have been doing a new unit study called Saving Finnegan. It is all about a whale called Finnegan who shows up on the beach in the island of Coll. In the story there is a little girl called Holly. She is the one that finds the whale one morning and decides to name it Finnegan. All of the villagers are coming to help in the story and the firemen and the vet are coming too. They are all pouring buckets of water over the whale and are all working together to try and help the whale. So far we have only read a few chapters but I have really enjoyed the book. It is very interesting and I cant wait to read more of it.

Thank you for reading my blog.

By Katie Morrell

Quad Blog

This term our topic is Saving Finnegan. It is set on the Island of Coll. The main charters are a little girl called Holly, a whale called Finnegan and George the little brother of Holly… Oh and  don’t forget  postman Cyril Blackburn. Holly finds a whale and is trying to save it and is asking everybody to bring water down to the beach. This book is written by Smarties Gold Medal  Winning  Author, Sally Grindley. Thanks for reading my blog


By Morgan Leckie


Quad Blog

saving_finneganRecently my class has been doing a unit study on Saving Finnegan.

Saving Finnegan is about a girl called Holly, she lives with her Mum, her Dad and her little brother George. One morning she goes down to the beach and finds a huge whale and calls it Finnegan. Holly is doing her best to save the whale by getting everybody that she can find to bring lots and lots of buckets of water to pour over the whale to keep him cool. I am really enjoying  this book and I hope that Holly and everybody else will manage to get Finnegan back where he belongs. I hoped you enjoyed reading my blog and please leave a comment. Thanks for reading !! Continue reading

quad blog

Our topic this term is saving Finnegan.

It is about a girl called Holly . One day she  goes to the beach and finds a whale stuck in between some rocks. She decides to name the whale Finnegan. Then her dad finds out about the whale and decides to phone the fire brigade , they tell the whole neighbourhood to bring buckets of water in case the fire brigade dont arrive at the beach on time with they’re hose. The story is based on the island of Coll which is in Scotland. I wont tell you anymore about  it because it don’t want to waste the whole story for you . But I do recommend  this book and think you will find it really interesting.Hogh_Bay_-_Coll


By Christopher Keith

Quad Blog

hi-bc-120612-beached-whale-wideOur class have been reading a book called Saving Finnegan which is our Unit study.

Saving Finnegan is set on the Scottish island of Coll. It is  about a girl called Holly who one day wakes to find a huge whale stranded on the beach. Holly calls the whale Finnegan and she is trying to save the whale so that is why the book is called Saving Finnegan. We are not very far on in the book but so far it is very interesting. I have lots of questions so far like What happens to Finnegan the whale ? I can’t wait to finish the book in order to find out what happens to Holly and Finnegan the whale.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed it. 🙂

By Chase Reeves