Special Celebrations!

This week we had a taste of China in the school, as pupils and staff celebrated the Chinese New Year. Pupils and staff were invited to wear red as this is regarded as a lucky colour in China. The school was bedecked in beautiful, traditional Chinese decorations. There was a full timetable of activities but the whole day was launched by performances of  ‘fan’ dances by Taylor from P3 and some of the boys and girls from P4 and P5. There were Chinese challenges in the school hall and the playground, including the Chinese Dragon obstacle course! In the kitchen, the children prepared and cooked traditional Chinese cuisine including dim sum, noodles, spring tolls and chicken feet!! There was also freshly prepared mandarins, Asian pears and lychees for dessert! In the classrooms the children were learning about the Chinese language and practised writing characters to create their own messages. To round off the day, the children were given a lucky red envelope containing sweets. It was a fantastic learning experience and I would like to thank Mrs Wong for organising and overseeing the day, as well as the rest of the staff who manned all the activities. Videos and photos from the day have been posted on the school Twitter page. I would also like to thank you for your contributions to our first Lenten Fundraising event.

On Thursday the 8th of February, we had a wonderful celebration of our faith, when 15 of our senior pupils were confirmed by Bishop Toal. The whole community of Our Lady & St. John’s parish gathered together to make this a very special occasion. Special thanks must go to Bishop Toal, Father Stephen, Mrs Seagrave, Mrs Macneil and Mr Lynch, the musicians, the choir from St. John’s, the altar servers, our parents and carers, sponsors and members of the parish community. Thank you to the staff who came along to support our children, with particular thanks to Mr Hall, for preparing the children so well for this important sacrament. However my biggest thanks goes to the pupils, who were a credit to themselves, their families and the school. The children participated so well in prayer and song, which was commented on by many. A huge well done to Caitlyn and Noah who sang the psalm so beautifully. I hope our young people now find the strength from this sacrament to continue to live their lives in faith and be an example to those around them.

As you will have probably noticed the Mobile Teaching Unit has arrived! It is almost up and running and we hope to arrange a time soon for you to come and have a look. It will be used as break out space for the classes until work on the extension begins and we have to decant the classes.

Finally, the Partnership Group have organised another drop in for a chat and a cuppa on Friday 23rd of February at 2.00 pm in the school. Please try to pop along if you are free.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Mrs McCart


Serving the Common Good

This week was Catholic Education Week in Scotland. Our pupils have been discussing the theme, Serving the Common Good, in various ways within their classes. At our Feast Day Mass on Monday, we displayed the beautiful icon, Jesus our Teacher, which was commissioned to celebrate 100 years of the 1918 Education Act, when Catholic schools came under the auspices of local Education Authorities. In their classes, the children have been learning the story of what the icon depicts and were given a small prayer card of the icon as a keepsake. Our appeal for the local food bank is going really well and you have until Tuesday this week to make a donation if you wish. We were also joined by staff and many of the pupils from St. John’s Primary and Holy Cross High school at the 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock Masses, to celebrate Education Sunday. Thank you to the children from P5/6/7 who represented the school by reading the Prayers of Intercession at both Masses. The focus of our faith turns to our senior pupils in the forthcoming week, when the Primary 6/7 pupils celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation this Thursday evening at 7.00 pm in the church. They have prepared very well and we keep them in our prayers as they get ready to celebrate this most important sacrament.

Unfortunately the delivery of our new Mobile Teaching Unit was delayed but it was confirmed this week that it will definitely arrive on site, on Thursday 8th of February at 9.15 a.m. It will then be hooked up to the existing services within the school and should be ready for use after the February mid-term break. Once this is in place, it is planned that work to the new extension will begin at the end of February/beginning of March. Exciting times ahead!

On Wednesday we had our first Partnership Group meeting of the new year and hoped to set a date for the Annual General Meeting, to elect new office bearers. However as only 4 parents came it was unfeasible to do this. I know we have lots of parents and carers willing to help and participate in school events and as volunteer helpers. The the role of a Parent Council/Partnership Group is a vital aspect of school life and I am very keen to get as many families involved as possible. The Partnership Group have arranged a drop-in session for Friday the 23rd of February in the school and are keen to get feedback on what is the best day and time to hold our meetings, in order to allow more people to attend. If you have any suggestions, you can also contact me directly at the school.

In the classes…


Primary 1/2

The boys and girls have enjoyed learning about life in the Scottish Islands through their Katie Morag topic. They have been comparing and contrasting the differences of life on the islands and living on the mainland.

Primary 3/4

In Numeracy, the children have been focussing on division and Money. They are also enjoying their new reading books and learning new reading strategies.

Primary 5/6/7

In Numeracy, the children have been working on Time, including reading 12 and 24 hour times as well as calculating durations. The children are enjoying their novel studies of ‘Dragonfire’ and ‘The Borrowers’. They have been focussing on various reading strategies to explore plot, character and setting. In their Social Studies topic, the boys and girls have been  learning about the earth’s structure and plate tectonics.

Thank you for reading my Blog.


Mrs McCart

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to a new term and can I wish everyone associated with our school, a happy and prosperous new year.

It was certainly an eventful start to 2018, when our school boilers decided to have an extended Winter break! As I explained in my letter, temperatures throughout the school were well below the minimum recommended by health and safety and with no hot water and gas for cooking, I was left with no choice but to close the school. I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding, as I know it was not the start to the new term you were expecting. Fortunately the heating engineers from South Lanarkshire Council were able to quickly repair the boilers and the school was back to normal by lunchtime on Tuesday.

Preparations for the installation of the Mobile Teaching Unit (MTU) have begun and we expect to have this delivered and fully installed by the start of February, with work on our new extension beginning in March. I will keep everyone informed as work develops and an invitation will be extended to parents and carers to view the MTU once it is up and running.

Despite the disrupted start to the new term, the children have settled back quickly into the school routine. We are delighted to welcome Miss Caitlyn Tyrell, a MEd 4 student from the University of Glasgow. She will be working in P1/2 with Mrs Kelly until the end of this term. We hope she enjoys her time at St. John’s Primary.

Next week, we enrol our new Primary 1 intake for August 2018. I am very much looking forward to meeting our new P1 children and their families. Parents/carers should contact the school to make an appointment and should bring the child’s full birth certificate (an extract cannot be accepted) and two pieces of correspondence with the child’s home address, as well as Baptismal Certificate if appropriate.

On Thursday we held the Sacramental meetings in Our Lady & St. John’s church. Parents and carers were advised of the arrangements for the day and how they can support their child as they prepare for these important milestones in their faith journey. The first sacrament will be Confirmation on the 8th of February, which will be celebrated by Bishop Toal and Father Rooney. The Confirmandi children of P6/7 have begun their preparation and I would ask you to keep the children in your prayers as they prepare for their final initiation sacrament.

Finally, a reminder of two events taking place this week. Primary 7 pupils are invited to a curriculum evening at Holy Cross High School on Thursday 18th of January. This is an excellent opportunity for pupils and parents and carers to find out about the secondary school curriculum and a chance to see around the classes and take part in some of the lessons!

We also have our first Partnership Group meeting of the new year on Wednesday 17th of January at 6.00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and we are always looking for new faces.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Mrs McCart


It’s Cold Outside…

… And as we head towards the end of November and the days get colder and darker, the excitement and anticipation of our forthcoming Christmas events are keeping everyone warm and happy. Our  preparations begin with our Christmas Fayre, which the Partnership Group have been very busy organising. This takes place on Friday 1st of December at 3.15 pm where I’m sure you will find lots of festive treats and great Christmas gift ideas. Thank you to everyone who contributed prizes for the Tombola stall at the Fayre.

Our Daily Mile continues, weather permitting,  and the children and staff are fairly clocking up the miles! We received our first batch of bread from Warburtons this week for the hot buttered toast which is a welcomed treat on the cold mornings.

This Thursday is St. Andrew’s Day and we will begin our celebrations by attending Mass in the church at 9.10 a.m. The pupils are invited to wear something tartan that day and bring a £1 to school, which will contribute to our Christmas fundraising for St. Andrew’s Hospice.

Advent as you know is a time of preparation leading up to the celebrations on Christmas Day and as part of the faith life of St. John’s, our Pope Francis Faith Award pupils will lead an Advent reflection and Rosary on a Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the hall at 8.45 a.m. All pupils are welcome to attend.

In the classes this week Christmas preparations are afoot:

Primary 1/2

The pupils have been busy rehearsing for their Nativity performance ‘Hey Ewe’. In numeracy the children are learning about money, recognising coins and counting and adding amounts. As a conclusion to their topic, the children enjoyed a visit from the Scottish Wild life Trust, who told them all about the local wildlife and their habitats.

Primary 3/4

In numeracy the children a re looking at partitioning and multiplication of multiples and money to £10 as part of the class enterprise topic; the class are organising a Christmas cinema. They are also designing gift boxes to sell at the Christmas Fayre. In Literacy the children continue to enjoy their class novel ‘Animalcolm’ by David Baddiel.

Primary 5/6/7

Pupils in P5/6/7 are working hard in their Enterprise groups, creating PowerPoints and adverts to promote their products. In numeracy, the children are developing their skills for life, learning and work as they are learning about budgeting and calculating profit/loss. Some of the children of Primary 6 and 7 are about to begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation and will be supported in this most important Sacrament, by their classmates.


Finally, a reminder that this is the final week of our afterschool clubs, with the exception of our P1-P3 football skills club which will run for the final time on the 8th of December (please note that P1-P3 football club and the netball are cancelled this week). The Partnership Group meeting scheduled for the 29th of November is also cancelled. Our next meeting will take place in January 2018.

Thank you for reading my Blog.


Mrs McCart


November News!

Welcome to my first Blog of Term 2 and already we’ve got off to a flying start.  We are delighted to welcome  Miss McInroy and Miss Nicolson, BA 1  teaching students from the University of the West of Scotland. They have been working in Primary 3/4 this week and will work in P5/6/7 and P1/2 in the forthcoming week.

Our Hallowe’en celebrations went ‘spooktacularly’ well. The school was looking very ghoulish and a huge thanks to the staff for decorating the whole school so well. The children looked fantastic in their costumes. Thank you to Mrs Cairney and Mrs Tops from the Partnership Group who organised the disco, and Ms McTaggart and Mrs Hughes who helped out on the day. Below are a selection of photographs from the disco:

Our footballers and netballers took part in their second friendly tournament of the year. The children were accompanied by Mr Hall and Mrs McKie, who said that the children acquitted themselves very well as they always do. Some good results for both teams as they prepare for the competitive tournaments in the near future.

The Partnership Group held the first of their Drop in for a Cuppa sessions on Friday morning. Thank you to the parents who attended. It was a very useful conversation and lots of good ideas were suggested on how they could support the school. What came out of the conversation was that parents found it difficult to make the Wednesday evening meetings due to no childcare/children attending clubs and needing picked up or dropped off. It was suggested that an informal meeting could be held in the school on the Friday following Partnership Group meetings. This would be hosted by a member/members of the Partnership Group. More information will follow in the future but if you have any ideas or suggestions please let us know.

Thank you to the parents/carers who completed our online homework survey. We had a total return of 25 responses from a possible 63. I am currently collating the results and will issue a response in due course. We have our Homework Club up and running at lunchtime on a Wednesday. This is overseen by Mrs Holmes. If you have a busy week or your child needs to catch up on homework, please encourage them to pop into the club where help and support can be given to complete tasks.

In the classrooms:


The pupils of P1/2 have enjoyed learning about different woodland creatures as part of their interdisciplinary topic. They have used what they have learned in their Writing, by creating a fact book on their chosen animal. In Numeracy the children in P1 have been ordering numbers form 0-10, identifying numbers before, after and between given numbers. The P2 children have been learning subtraction facts for numbers to 20. Mrs Kelly tells me that rehearsals have begun for the P1/2 Nativity! Hard to believe it’s that time already.


The children in P3/4 have been testing soil samples from the Blackwood area to find out whether they are acid, alkaline or PH neutral. They have been using litmus/PH paper to find out and recording their results. The boys and girls have enjoyed the Hallowe’en celebrations and have been learning how to stay safe around fireworks. In Numeracy, the children are learning about Multiples and in Mathematics they have been looking at 2D shape, in particular the properties of different types of triangles.


The P5/6/7 pupils are focussing on Money in their Numeracy 7 Mathematics lessons and will apply the skills they learn in their Christmas Enterprise project. In Literacy they have been working on developing character, setting and plot to write an exciting dramatic story. In Science the boys and girls have been learning about the properties of Light.

Finally, a reminder that our Partnership Group meeting takes place on Wednesday evening at 6 pm in the school. Please try to pop along and lend your support to the school.

Many thanks for reading my Blog!


Mrs McCart


End of Term One Already!

How time flies! I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first term of the new school year. Our Parents Evening takes place this Thursday, when you will have the opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher(s) about how they have settled back into school and how they are progressing in their learning.

The classes have been very busy as usual:

Primary 1/2

The children have been learning about the jobs of a park keeper and have developed their role playing skills in Percy’s Hut in the class Home Corner. In Science, the children have been learning about Forces and have worked in groups to create their own ‘pull’ toy. In Numeracy & Mathematics the children have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects.

Primary 3/4

As part of their Interdisciplinary topic, the boys and girls have been studying typical house styles in Blackwood and the surrounding area. They have been deepening their faith during Our Lady’s month of October and learning about the Church’s love for us. In Numeracy & Mathematics the children have been learning about the properties of prisms and pyramids.

Primary 5/6/7

The pupils have been developing their understanding of National Government as part of their Living in a Democracy topic and are in the process of creating their own political parties and manifestos. In Literacy, they are learning new spelling strategies, with a focus this week on a ‘word within a word’. In RME, the children have been learning about The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. In Art and Design the children have been studying the design of the Scottish parliament building and created sketches of the most interesting details.

Finally I would like to make an appeal on behalf of our Partnership Group. At our meeting on Wednesday 4th of October we had only 2 families represented.  I am therefore making an appeal for more parents/carers to become involved, as the more people who become involved, the more we can do for the school. Our Partnership Group fundraise for the school and every penny raised goes back into providing resources and activities for the pupils. I am also seeking for ways  for parents to contribute to our school improvement plan by offering  your skills and talents to help take forward our key priorities. We are organising  two events which you are invited to attend. More information on this will be issued at Parents Evening.

I hope you have a great October holiday. Thank you for reading my blog.


Mrs McCart

Learning about Learning!

It’s hard to believe we are at the September weekend holiday already and we’ve already packed so much in at school! Firstly I would like to mention our new House and Vice Captains who have taken on their roles very conscientiously and have shown great responsibility. I look forward to working with them throughout the year.

Our daily mile continues and the children and staff are clocking up the miles! Teachers have reported that they have noticed a difference in the focus and concentration of pupils and the children themselves have told me that they feel ‘alert’, ‘refreshed‘, ‘energised‘ and ‘awake‘,  which shows the positive impact of this initiative.

On Wednesday of this week we had a visit from our new Quality Improvement Officer, Mrs Anne Jessimer. She spoke to me about our Standards and Quality report and we discussed the school’s plans for further improvement. She then had a tour of the school and was very impressed with our polite, well-mannered pupils and commented on the high standard of uniform throughout the school.

On Thursday we welcomed parents and carers to the our Meet the Teacher morning. Everyone had the opportunity to chat to the class teachers about the curriculum and look at the resources used to support and enhance the learning and teaching in the school. Leaflets explaining the new approaches to the teaching of spelling were also available to take home. If you were unable to attend the morning or haven’t received a copy of the leaflet please contact the school.

We also had a celebration of learning for Maths Week. Throughout that week, children had the opportunity to take part in the Sumdog interschool Maths challenge and explored how we use Maths in various areas of the curriculum including Art & Design, Food Technologies, Physical Education and Technologies. Children were able to explain how Maths is used in our everyday lives and why it is such an important part of learning. I was also delighted with the response to our Maths week competition, the standard of entry was very good and it was an extremely difficult job to choose a winner from each class. Our winners were Valentina Carbray from P1/2, Gracie McCall from P3/4 and Noah McLean from P5/6/7. A huge congratulations to them!

In the classes:


In Numeracy & Mathematics the P1 pupils have been learning to write and count in numbers to 5, while P2 have been working with numbers to 100.. The children have been learning about a variety of woodland animals and their habitats as part of their Parks and Woodlands topic.


In Numeracy & Mathematics P3 have been counting, ordering numbers to 100, with P4 working with numbers to 1000. The boys and girls have also been looking at the properties of 2D shapes and which ones are able to tile. The y have been looking at regular and irregular pentagons, hexagons and octagons. In Literacy the P3 children have been using the spelling strategies from our Active Literacy programme to learn their common words with P3 developing their spelling skills using their magnetic boards.


In Numeracy & Mathematics, P5 have been learning about decimals to tenths with P6/7 working on rounding and estimating , including decimals up to 3 decimal places. In their Interdisciplinary topic, the class have been looking at the structure of the Scottish and UK Parliaments as well as some high profile political figures including the First Minister and the Prime Minister.

Finally we also welcomed a new member to our school support staff, Ms Heather Brown. We look forward to working with her and hope she enjoys working in our school.

Also, please look out for a letter in your child’s bag next week about our forthcoming Parents’ Evening on the 12th of October.

Thank you for reading my Blog.


Yvonne McCart

Head Teacher


Back into the swing of things!

It has been a very busy week with everyone well and truly settled back into the school routine. Over the past two weeks the children have been doing revision work such as their multiplication tables, spelling patterns etc.  and Primary 1 are well in to their Phonics and Numeracy programme. We are implementing a new approach to the teaching of spelling this year as part of our school improvement plan. You may hear your child speak about Elkonin boxes and diacritical marking but don’t panic, an information leaflet will be issued very soon and you will have the opportunity to see resources and chat to the class teachers at our Meet the Teacher coffee morning on the 21st of September.

Our Primary 6 and 7 pupils have been very busy preparing their materials for the forthcoming election of our  House and Vice Captains. This is practical way of developing our young people’s understanding of living in a democracy and the role of government, as well as enhancing their communication and team working skills. Hustings and voting will take place this week and we wish the candidates the very best of luck!

Primary 7 transition to secondary school has already begun as the pupils had a visit from Mrs Watters from Holy Cross High School on Friday to introduce herself and have a chat to them. The next part of transition will take place on Monday the 11th of September as the children and their families are invited to attend the P7 Welcome Mass at 6.30 pm in Holy Cross.

Awareness of road safety is a crucial life skill and this is promoted in the school by our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO). The boys and girls in P5/6/7 submitted application forms for the role of JRSO officers and I’m delighted to congratulate Tiva Chakona (P5) and Erin Guthrie (P6) who have been selected to take up this important role by Mrs Carty.

On Thursday the children also went along to the official opening of Blackwood Park on the day and had a fantastic time at what is a fabulous resource for the local community. Caitlyn Tops in P7 was a runner up in the design competition for a new logo for the park. Well done Caitlyn!

Our afterschool clubs will begin over the next two weeks and letters have been issued for these. I am delighted with the response from the staff in providing these extra-curricular opportunities for the children. It means that there is an afterschool club on every day of the week. We are also looking at opportunities for P1-P3 and more information on this and the Friday afterschool club will follow in due course.

Mrs Birtles has organised a Garden Tidy day this Tuesday before the Gardening Club begins. Thank you to all of our volunteers who are coming along on to help; hopefully we get a nice sunny day!

Homework will be issued this week and as previously, this will be given out on a Monday and handed back in on a Friday. I will also be issuing a special homework task to pupils this week inviting them to take part in a competition to celebrate Maths Week. Maths Week is an initiative which aims to encourage greater enthusiasm for and increase participation in maths. A poster will be uploaded on the school website with more information.

Finally we held our first Partnership Group meeting of the new school session on Wednesday 30th of August. We just managed a quorum of 4 parents which allowed the meeting to go ahead. I would urge all parents and carers to become involved with the Partnership Group as parental engagement and involvement in their child’s education has a positive impact on attainment and achievement. I also greatly value the support received from the Partnership Group and the contribution they make to St. John’s. Our next meeting is on Wednesday the 4th of October at 6.30 pm and I look forward to seeing some of you there.

Many thanks for reading my blog.


Mrs Yvonne McCart

A Warm Welcome Back!

Hello everyone and welcome back to a new school year. I hope you all had a good summer.

It was great to see all the children again, looking so smart in their uniforms and so full of enthusiasm. We were also delighted to welcome our new Primary 1 girls and boys, who have been with us for the full day as part of SLC’s flying start. Mrs Kelly tells me she is really pleased with how well they have settled into school life, with no small thanks to our super Primary 7 Buddies, who have been doing a splendid job of supporting their young charges. Our P1 parents/carers are invited to join the children for lunch on Thursday the 24th of August at 11.45 a.m.

We also welcomed Mrs Wong’s return from her maternity leave and are delighted to have her back. We also have 2 new members of teaching staff, Mrs Holmes, who is team teaching with Mr Hall in P5/6/7 and Mrs McKie, who will deliver teachers’ class contact time throughout the school. We hope they have enjoyable year working in the school. St John’s also welcomed 4 new families to the school and the children have settled in well because of everyone’s friendly welcome.

This week I would ask you to please check bags for the envelope containing annual permissions, as well as our Promoting Positive Behaviour policy return slip. We would be very grateful if these could be returned to the class teachers or the school office as soon as possible.  The Yearly Calendar will also be with you soon, outlining the main events throughout the year. We will be launching a new St. John’s App in the near future to further enhance communication with parents and carers. This will be free to download for Android and Apple devices- look out for the flyer in you child’s bag in the forthcoming weeks.

Finally, I look forward to working with you once again to ensure all of our pupils have a happy, successful and positive school experience this year.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Mrs McCart



The End of a Busy Year!

Welcome to my final blog of the academic year 2016-2017 and what a year it has been! St. John’s Primary has enjoyed a very successful year and everyone associated with our school should be rightly proud of what we have achieved.

It has been an extremely busy week and we have had many highlights but of note must be the fantastic performance of our P4-P7 pupils in our summer show, Sleeping Beauty, The Ugly Truth. This was a perfect showcase of the talents of our pupils and was raved about by audiences at both performances. A huge thank you to Mr Hall and Miss Costello for their hard work in putting the show together and to the children themselves, whose commitment and hard work was evident with such outstanding performances. St. John’s truly does have talent!

On Thursday morning we had our Leavers’ Assembly and the stars of Primary 7 shone brightly in the school hall as we were joined by staff and pupils to celebrate the achievements of our children.  The winners of the House Shield were Lancaster House. Congratulations to Mariana Pinheiro and Logan Burns our House and Vice Captain for their great leadership this year. And of course a huge well done to all the members of Lancaster House, a fantastic achievement! Our footballers and netballers were also recognised. Congratulations to Noah McLean (P5), the Coaches’ Player of the Year; Stephen Barclay (P7), Players’ Player of the Year; and Adam Brennan (P5), Most Improved Player. In netball, the Coaches’ Player of the year was Mariana Pinheiro (P7) and Eva Quadrelli (P7) was Players’ Player of the Year. An excellent achievement girls. Riley Bulloch (P1) and Dylan Cunningham (P2) were awarded Savvy Savers of the Year by Lanarkshire Credit Union and Mrs Birtles recognised our green-fingered gardeners for all their hard work in St. John’s Community Garden.

On Friday we had our Sports Day which, despite the lovely Scottish summer weather, went ahead. The elements certainly didn’t dampen the children’s enthusiasm and everyone competed well. Our healthy tuck shop went down a storm and well done and thank you to our HEF group and Mrs Kelly for organising this. Our netballers provided a display of their sporting prowess in an exhibition match in the afternoon and Mrs Quadrelli was rightly proud of their achievements and progress throughout the year. We then presented our inaugural Sports Trophy to Lancaster House who were our overall sporting winners on the day and throughout this year.

And so to our final week. Our final celebration of faith will take place on Monday at 10.00 am in the school hall at our P7 Leavers’ Mass. Everyone is welcome to join us for this very special occasion. This is an opportunity to say a final farewell to our Primary 7 boys and girls and to staff who are leaving us. We are sad to say goodbye to Miss Dunlop,who has been with us this year and worked with all the children throughout the school, and Miss Costello and Mrs Mutch for their fabulous contribution to St. John’s. I would like to take this opportunity thank them on behalf of pupils, staff and parents and wish them well in their new schools next year.

May I also take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy, safe and relaxing holiday and I hope the sun shines wherever you are. It has been an absolute privilege to be Head Teacher of St. John’s Primary this year and I look forward to another very productive year of learning next session.

Thank you for reading my blogs throughout this year.

Mrs McCart

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