Happy Easter!

It is incredible to believe that it is Easter already and we have reached the end of the third term. It has been a very busy last few weeks in school. Our Primary 7 pupils continue with the transition programme for secondary school, while we look forward to welcoming our new Primary 1 pupils when they begin their induction programme after the holidays. The pupils of Primary 6 and 7  celebrated the Year of Young People 2018, as they took part in a showcase of talents in the Banqueting Hall at Council Headquarters in Hamilton. Their performance was called ‘Look Inside’ and was well received by a packed venue. Well done to our confident individuals!

Our Parents Evening on the 22nd March was very well attended, with a 99% turnout. This is absolutely tremendous and an indication of the commitment and support of parents and carers for their children’s education.

We concluded the term with our Holy Week service on 28th of March, when we remembered the events  leading up to Jesus’ death on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. Thank you to our readers, Father Stephen and the parents and carers who attended.

The highlight however, was the Primary 1/2 Learning Showcase, “Back in the 1950’s” on Thursday. Parents and grandparents were treated to afternoon tea and a very informative presentation of life in the 1950’s. The presentation was rounded off with a lively jive to ‘Rock around the Clock’. Well done to the boys and girls for such a confident and assured performance and a huge thank you to Mrs Kelly, Mrs Birtles and Miss Tyrell for all their hard work in preparing the children. You can see photographs and video from the showcase on the school Twitter.

We also say goodbye to Miss Tyrell who has been working in Primary 1/2 for the past 12 weeks. I would like to thank her for all her hard work and contribution to the class and on behalf of the whole school, would like to wish her every success in her future teaching career.

Finally, I would like to wish you and your family a happy, holy Easter and a restful, enjoyable holiday.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Yvonne McCart