It’s Cold Outside…

… And as we head towards the end of November and the days get colder and darker, the excitement and anticipation of our forthcoming Christmas events are keeping everyone warm and happy. Our  preparations begin with our Christmas Fayre, which the Partnership Group have been very busy organising. This takes place on Friday 1st of December at 3.15 pm where I’m sure you will find lots of festive treats and great Christmas gift ideas. Thank you to everyone who contributed prizes for the Tombola stall at the Fayre.

Our Daily Mile continues, weather permitting,  and the children and staff are fairly clocking up the miles! We received our first batch of bread from Warburtons this week for the hot buttered toast which is a welcomed treat on the cold mornings.

This Thursday is St. Andrew’s Day and we will begin our celebrations by attending Mass in the church at 9.10 a.m. The pupils are invited to wear something tartan that day and bring a £1 to school, which will contribute to our Christmas fundraising for St. Andrew’s Hospice.

Advent as you know is a time of preparation leading up to the celebrations on Christmas Day and as part of the faith life of St. John’s, our Pope Francis Faith Award pupils will lead an Advent reflection and Rosary on a Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the hall at 8.45 a.m. All pupils are welcome to attend.

In the classes this week Christmas preparations are afoot:

Primary 1/2

The pupils have been busy rehearsing for their Nativity performance ‘Hey Ewe’. In numeracy the children are learning about money, recognising coins and counting and adding amounts. As a conclusion to their topic, the children enjoyed a visit from the Scottish Wild life Trust, who told them all about the local wildlife and their habitats.

Primary 3/4

In numeracy the children a re looking at partitioning and multiplication of multiples and money to £10 as part of the class enterprise topic; the class are organising a Christmas cinema. They are also designing gift boxes to sell at the Christmas Fayre. In Literacy the children continue to enjoy their class novel ‘Animalcolm’ by David Baddiel.

Primary 5/6/7

Pupils in P5/6/7 are working hard in their Enterprise groups, creating PowerPoints and adverts to promote their products. In numeracy, the children are developing their skills for life, learning and work as they are learning about budgeting and calculating profit/loss. Some of the children of Primary 6 and 7 are about to begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation and will be supported in this most important Sacrament, by their classmates.


Finally, a reminder that this is the final week of our afterschool clubs, with the exception of our P1-P3 football skills club which will run for the final time on the 8th of December (please note that P1-P3 football club and the netball are cancelled this week). The Partnership Group meeting scheduled for the 29th of November is also cancelled. Our next meeting will take place in January 2018.

Thank you for reading my Blog.


Mrs McCart