End of Term One Already!

How time flies! I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first term of the new school year. Our Parents Evening takes place this Thursday, when you will have the opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher(s) about how they have settled back into school and how they are progressing in their learning.

The classes have been very busy as usual:

Primary 1/2

The children have been learning about the jobs of a park keeper and have developed their role playing skills in Percy’s Hut in the class Home Corner. In Science, the children have been learning about Forces and have worked in groups to create their own ‘pull’ toy. In Numeracy & Mathematics the children have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects.

Primary 3/4

As part of their Interdisciplinary topic, the boys and girls have been studying typical house styles in Blackwood and the surrounding area. They have been deepening their faith during Our Lady’s month of October and learning about the Church’s love for us. In Numeracy & Mathematics the children have been learning about the properties of prisms and pyramids.

Primary 5/6/7

The pupils have been developing their understanding of National Government as part of their Living in a Democracy topic and are in the process of creating their own political parties and manifestos. In Literacy, they are learning new spelling strategies, with a focus this week on a ‘word within a word’. In RME, the children have been learning about The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. In Art and Design the children have been studying the design of the Scottish parliament building and created sketches of the most interesting details.

Finally I would like to make an appeal on behalf of our Partnership Group. At our meeting on Wednesday 4th of October we had only 2 families represented.  I am therefore making an appeal for more parents/carers to become involved, as the more people who become involved, the more we can do for the school. Our Partnership Group fundraise for the school and every penny raised goes back into providing resources and activities for the pupils. I am also seeking for ways  for parents to contribute to our school improvement plan by offering  your skills and talents to help take forward our key priorities. We are organising  two events which you are invited to attend. More information on this will be issued at Parents Evening.

I hope you have a great October holiday. Thank you for reading my blog.


Mrs McCart

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