Time Flies!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. I can’t believe it is the final term – how quickly the time has gone. The pupils and staff have come back after the break, revived and looking forward to what will be a busy couple of months.  As part of our induction programme, we will welcome our new Primary 1 pupils and their parents and carers this Friday, at our open afternoon. For our Primary 4 and 7 pupils it is a very important term.

Preparations are well underway for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion which takes place this coming Saturday. The Primary 4 children have been learning about this most important Sacrament and have been well prepared by Mrs Quadrelli. The Primary 5-7 pupils of the choir have also been rehearsing to support our First Communicants.

Of course our Primary 7 pupils are now in their final term at St. John’s and are looking forward to their induction days in June. We also welcomed back Mrs Fraser, a post-graduate student, for her final placement. She will continue to work in the P5/6/7 class until the 19th of May.

On Friday we welcomed Mr Dyer , a SLC Development Officer for Science, to the school. He worked in the P5/6/7 class where the pupils worked in collaborative groups to undertake a Rollercoaster challenge. In P2/3/4 the children learned about Classification. Everyone enjoyed the lessons and Mr Dyer commented on how well the children worked together.

It’s been business as usual in the classrooms as the boys and girls settle back into the class routine.

Primary 1/2

In Numeracy & Mathematics the pupils have been learning about position and movement, following simple directions and developing their knowledge of left and right. As part of the class interdisciplinary topic the children have been developing ideas for creating a model farm and constructing a letter to a farmer, asking about life on a farm.


In Numeracy & Mathematics the class have been working on Time. Primary 2 have been working on the calendar and o’clock and half-past the hour. Primary 3 have been on quarter past/to the hour. Primary 4 have been learning about minutes to and past the hour on digital and analogue clocks. The boys and girls have also been working hard on developing quick recall in mental maths. The class have also been studying maps as part of their topic work, They have been looking at the world map and that of Australia, finding out about territories and climate zones.

Primary 5/6/7

In P5/6/7 the children have been working on various aspects of decimals, fractions and percentages. The class have been working in collaborative groups to research and produce a presentation on a major city as part of their topic on Germany.

Finally we wish the Primary 4 pupils good luck in their final week of preparations for Saturday and we will be keeping our fingers crossed that the sun shines!

Thank you for reading my blog.

Mrs McCart

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