World Book Day Celebrations

We began our Lenten fundraising with our World Book Day celebrations on Friday. The children looked magnificent in their costumes and we had an eclectic mix of favourite characters, ranging from Harry Potter, Wally from Where’s Wally, Dennis the Menace and Goldilocks. The boys and girls in Primary 2/3/4 also had a surprise visit from Miss Trunchable who certainly kept them minding their P’s & Q’s!!

In the morning, older children paired up with a younger pupil and took part in a book quiz during assembly. Well done to Logan Burns (P7) and Robert Merski (P2) who were our winners.

The children then had the opportunity to listen to staff reading extracts from their favourite books after which they took part in class based activities. Thank you to all who donated £1 to dress up- a great start to our fundraising!

On Tuesday of this week twelve of the pupils from Primary 3 celebrated the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in Our Lady & St. John’s church. It was a lovely service and the children were a credit to themselves, their families and the school. A huge thank you to Mrs Quadrelli  for preparing the children so well and to Father Stephen for all his support.

Ash Wednesday saw the start of Lent and the staff and pupils joined parishioners for Mass in the church. This saw the start of our Time to Pray Lenten activities. We will be attending Mass every Thursday at 9.10 a.m. from the 16th of March and there will be a Lenten reflection service for pupils every Monday morning from the 6th of March at 8.40 a.m. in the school hall.

Finally we are making the final preparations for our official school opening on Thursday the 9th of March when we look forward to welcoming Councillor Gordon Muir who will officiate at the ceremony.

Thank you for reading my Blog.

Mrs McCart