A Busy Week!

Hello and welcome to my latest weekly blog. It has been a very busy week in school with everyone well and truly back in the school routine. This session we have introduced a further way of communicating with parents and carers through our termly Curriculum Newsletters. Your child should have brought theirs home this week and its purpose is to give you a flavour of the work being covered in each class for this term. We hope that you find them informative and that they provide a basis to talk to your child/children about what they are learning in school.

We were delighted to appoint our new Junior Road Safety Officers, Caitlin Cairney (P6) and Harrison Crowther (P5), who will be working with Mrs Carty and myself to organise activities throughout the year to draw attention to important road safety issues. Our new House Captains and Vice-Captains have taken on the role with great enthusiasm and commitment and are working hard to encourage their Houses.

This week we are having a Mass in the school to celebrate the new school year. It will take place at 10.00 am in the school hall and Father Rooney will also bless the school after Mass. Please come and join us for this special occasion. Tear off slips to confirm attendance should be returned as soon as possible.

In the classrooms this week:

Primary 1/2

Primary 1 continue to learn their initial sounds and have been working on the numbers 1 to 5.  Primary 2 have been developing their active spelling skills and have been consolidating their knowledge of the numbers stories to 11. The children also continue to explore the properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects in Maths. As part of their interdisciplinary topic on Minibeasts, the whole class went on a beetle hunt in the school grounds and the community garden.

Primary 2/3/4

In Numeracy and Mathematics, the children have been learning about addition, tiling and 2D shapes and 3D objects. The children are planning a missing person poster in Writing. During topic activities this week the pupils have looked at what materials they would need to build a shelter on their ‘Secret Island’. The children have also been working on their Road Safety Calendar competition entries. In Science the children have been looking at Forces.

Primary 5/6/7

The class have been very busy in Numeracy and mathematics this week and have been learning about place value and rounding numbers. They have also been exploring 2D shapes including triangles, circles and quadrilaterals. The children have been  looking at the writing format of a personal diary and are writing series entries about a special occasion. In Religious Education, the class are looking at the life of Jesus from St. Mark’s Gospel.

As you can see there is  a wide variety of learning going on in the classrooms. I hope you all have a lovely September weekend.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Mrs McCart