A Special Day!

This week’s highlight had to be on Saturday morning, when five of our Primary 4 pupils celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. The weather was changeable, but the smiles on the boys and girls faces made everyone forget the weather. The children looked beautiful and participated fully in a wonderful celebration of faith. My thanks goes to their class teacher Mrs Quadrelli, Father Stephen, our musicians and choir, the parish of Our Lady & St. John’s, the staff of our school, and the families of our pupils. It is indeed a privilege for us to be part of this important step of our young people’s faith journey. We look forward to the 1st of June, when Primary 4 will join Primary 3, 6 and 7 pupils for our Thanksgiving Assembly and a well deserved treat!

On Thursday, Noah McLean, Megan Welsh and Luke McCormick took part in Clyde Rotary Club annual quiz at Blackwood Primary School. They were a great credit to our school and although they didn’t win, the children acquitted themselves very well. Meanwhile on Friday morning, four of Primary 7 pupils  took part in the Holy Cross High School Maths Challenge. The children were excited on their return to school and were delighted with how they had performed, running the winners very close. A huge well done to all the girls and boys!

In the classes the hard work continues:

Primary 1/2

In their Social Studies  topic the children continue to learn about of rich and poor Victorian children and the types of houses that they lived in. In Art & Design the class have been exploring how to use line to create different images.

Primary 3/4/5

The children have been writing an imaginative story about ‘A Disaster in Rio’. Pupils have been writing in the first person either as  a fan, and athlete or a Brazilian citizen. In Science the class have been learning about the human body and in particular the lungs and their function.


The pupils have been busy this week, working on their Japan topic. The children have been working collaboratively to research, create models, diagrams, PowerPoints and even movies! Such a creative bunch! In writing they  are working hard to put together a Spanish Recipe Book, so watch this space for the launch of this venture!


I look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday the 25th of May for Parents’ Evening when you will have the opportunity to view your child/ children’s work and talk to the class teacher about their progress this year. Our Book Fayre will also be available at this time.

Thank you for reading my blog and hopefully the sunny weather continues!

Mrs McCart