The Sun is Shining!

A very busy week of learning once again in St. John’s Primary School. The children have been enjoying this lovely Spring weather and the class teachers have used this opportunity to take the learning outdoors. Our Gardening Club began on Wednesday and the children worked very hard in weeding and general tidying of the Community Garden. They are getting the garden ready for planting and did a fantastic job. A huge thank you to Mrs Birtles for leading this and to the parents and carers who help out.

We  welcomed our new Primary 1 pupils on Friday to the Meet your Buddy afternoon. Mrs Kelly tells me that the Primary 6 pupils have taken their buddy responsibilities very seriously and each one has produced a booklet telling their new buddy a bit about themselves. We look forward to welcoming the children back on the 10th of June for the next part of their induction.

As we say hello to our new Primary 1 pupils, our Primary 7 will continue their transition to Holy Cross High School this Friday, when 4 pupils have been selected to take part in the Holy Cross Maths Challenge. We wish, Lottie, Luke, Oliver and Patrick the best of luck.

LogoXpres also visited the school on Friday for our uniform afternoon. There was a very healthy turnout and parents/carers had the opportunity to view and size uniform for next year. They have left samples in the school so if you couldn’t manage along on Friday you are most welcome to pop into the school over the next couple of weeks and try on sizes.

Thank you to everyone, pupils and parents and carers, who returned the questionnaire issued. I am in the process of collating results and will issue findings in the near future. Just a reminder that full reports are issued this Friday, as are Parents’ Evening appointments so please check your child’s bag.

Looking at the classes this week:

Primary 1/2

The children have been working on their final topic of this term and have been comparing their lives with that of a Victorian child. The children continue to develop their reading skills and are currently studying The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.


The children have been studying their topic on Rio and in particular have been focussing on the Paralympics and the recent Invictus games. The Primary 4 children have also been working very hard in preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday. They have been supported in this most important sacrament by their fellow pupil in Primary 3 and 5. Let’s hope the sun continues to shine next week!


The class have been working on their new project of Japan. The children have been challenged to use all the skills they have been developing over the past year to find an innovative way of presenting their research. They are working in teams to create a presentation and have identified each others’  strengths and how to best utilise these to their advantage when creating their work. I look forward to seeing their finished projects.

Have a great week everyone and thank you for reading my blog.