Another Busy Week!

Once more we have had a week full of learning, fun, achievement and special events!

On Tuesday evening, eight of our Primary 3 children made their First Reconciliation in Our Lady and St. John’s Church. It was a wonderful celebration of faith and a very special moment for each of our young pupils as they made a significant step on their faith journey. The parish, families and school came together to join the boys and girls as they made their confession with Father Stephen. Well done to all involved.

Our footballers took part in a football tournament on Wednesday morning at Blackwood Primary School, where they competed against local schools in the area. Mr Whyte and Gregor were delighted with the application and attitude of our players. Well done!

Our Lenten Fundraising Friday celebrated World Book Day and I was delighted with the number of children who took part and did their bit to contribute to our Lenten total for our very worthwhile charities. Almost all our pupils participated, helping to raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves.

In Primary 1/2 the boys and girls have been learning about Measure in their maths. They have been using scales and cubes to find ‘heavy‘ and ‘light‘ objects. In writing, the children have been learning to use adjectives to describe their friends and their day.

In P3/4/5, the boys and girls in  P3 and 4 have been focussing on their money skills, learning about money in decimal form. The P3 children have been applying these skills, as they have responsibility for collecting and counting the weekly fundraising donations, an excellent way to consolidate their learning. The Primary 5 children have been working on some challenging number sequences. In their writing the whole class have been developing their skills for life and work by composing a letter of complaint as part of their topic ‘Kids Saving Planet Earth’.

In Primary 5/6/7 the children continue to develop their higher order reading skills through their study of the novels, ‘Divided City’ and ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. All pupils have been working on using more ambitious vocabulary and good sentence openers in their creative writing and are currently applying these skills in letter writing.

Thank you for reading my blog.