It’s All Go!

Another busy week in St. John’s! On Thursday we held our Fairtrade coffee morning. I was delighted with the turnout of parents, grandparents and members of Our Lady and St. John’s parish. A huge thank you for supporting this event. Many thanks also to the parents/carers who donated Fairtrade goods and home baking. I am very grateful to Mrs Cairney, Mrs Kydd and Mrs Tops who helped out on the morning. We made over £100, which will be added to our Lenten fundraising total.

All children from Primary 1 to Primary 7, also enjoyed free karate taster sessions with Kihonkai Karate Academy. The classes will have a further session this Friday.

In the classes it’s been business as usual!

Primary 1/2

In Art, the children have been earning about the mosaic artwork of Spanish artist, Antoni Gaudi. They have looked at examples of his work and used this as a stimulus to create their own animal mosaics.

The Spanish theme continues with the boys and girls learning how to describe the weather in Spanish, and they have even recorded their own weather reports! Fantastico! Let’s hope we get weather like Spain!

Primary 3/4/5

On Wednesday afternoon the Primary 3 children held a prayer service as part of their preparation for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, which will take place this Tuesday. They were supported by the boys and girls of Primary 4 and 5. We also welcomed Father Stephen, who led the service and by the parents of the children who will make the sacrament. It was very prayerful and reflective afternoon.

Primary 5/6/7

The pupils of P5/6/7 have been learning about global warming. The children researched the cause and effects of this and presented their findings in a Powerpoint or written piece of work. These were then shared with the whole class. In Health and Wellbeing, the children have been further developing their cooking skills by making delicious Spanish omelettes! I think Mrs Kelly and the boys and girls will be setting up their own catering company soon!


Thank you for reading my blog.