Special Celebration

We had a wonderful celebration of our faith on Monday evening, when 16 of our senior pupils were confirmed by Bishop Toal. The whole community of St. John’s Parish gathered together to make this a very special occasion. Special thanks must go to Bishop Toal, Father Rooney, Mrs Seagrave and Mr Lynch, the Primary 5 pupils in the choir, the altar servers, members of the parish community and our parents and carers. Thank you also to Mrs Kelly who worked very hard to prepare the children for this most important sacrament. However, my biggest thanks goes to the pupils  who were a credit to themselves, their families and the school. The excellent participation of the pupils, both in prayer and song, was commented on by many. I hope our young people now find strength from this sacrament to continue to live their lives in faith and be an example to those around them.

It has been a busy week in the classes as usual:

Primary 1/2

The children have been learning about vertebrates and invertebrates with Mrs Wong and made models of a variety of vertebrates using mints! The children continue to develop their creative skills under the careful watch of Mr Hall. This week they used watercolour paints and droppers to create beautiful rainforest butterflies. The rainforest is growing week by week and I wouldn’t be surprised to walk in and find Sir David Attenborough in the classroom!

Primary 3/4/5

Hot on the heels of the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, the children of Primary 3 are busy preparing for their First Reconciliation, which they will make on the 1st of March. They are being ably supported by the children of Primary 4 and 5, as they prepare for their prayer service which will take place this Wednesday. Mrs Quadrelli has been very impressed by the good mentoring work going on in the class.

Primary 5/6/7

Mrs Kelly had the boys and girls of Primary 6 and 7 straight back to work after their Confirmation on Monday evening. The children developed a variety of cooking skills while making delicious Spanish gazpacho as part of their Health and Wellbeing. The aromas of the Mediterranean certainly brought a little bit of Spain to our cold Scottish winter!


During Lent the children will be attending Mass on a Thursday morning and will take part in the Stations of the Cross in school on a Friday morning with their teacher.

Our Lenten fundraising has begun with our non-uniform day on Friday and we look forward to welcoming parents, carers and parishioners to our Fairtrade Coffee morning this Thursday.

Thank you for reading my blog.