Happy New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy!

This week, we had a taste of China in St. John’s as the pupils and staff celebrated the Chinese New Year on Thursday.

Chinese people love the colour red, and regard red as the symbol of energy, happiness and good luck, and so all pupils were invited to wear a piece of red clothing. The open area in the school was bedecked in traditional Chinese decorations. The children were busy in the kitchen, the classrooms and the gym hall as they sampled all things Chinese.

In the kitchen the children prepared  and cooked traditional Chinese food including dim sum, chicken feet, rice, noodles and traditional cakes. These authentic, delicious treats were washed down with a cup of green tea.

In the classrooms, the children were learning about the Chinese language and were practised writing the traditional characters.

In the gym hall the girls and boy demonstrated their flexibility and agility as they played Chinese elastics.

To round the day off, the children received lucky red packets containing sweets,  called ‘Hong Bao’.

It was a fantastic learning experience and my thanks to Mrs Wong who organised the whole day and to all of the staff for providing such engaging and fun activities.

Thank you for reading my blog.