It’s Snowing!

It has been a very busy week in school. I have been enrolling the boys and girls who will join us in August 2016 and look forward to welcoming them to St. John’s when we begin the Primary 1 Induction programme. I was also delighted to meet Father Rooney, who came into the school on Wednesday. We spoke about preparations for our forthcoming Sacraments celebrations and our patron’s Feast Day Mass, which we will celebrate on the 27th of January. Father Rooney also popped into the classes to say hello to our Primary 3 to 7 pupils.

It’s been back to the hard work for the boys and girls of St. John’s and here is a flavour of some of the learning taking place in the classrooms:

Primary 1/2

The children created winter trees in Art, using watercolour paints, masking tape and salt. These look fantastic and very appropriate for our current wintry weather!

The children have also begun to learn about the Rainforest in their new topic ‘Down in the Jungle’.

Primary 3/4/5

The pupils have been developing their writing skills through their Interdisciplinary topic about the Incas. They have created interesting reports about the battles between the Incas and the Spaniards.

P3/4/5 have also started their new topic ‘Kids Saving Planet Earth’ and have begun by upcycling t-shirts.


The primary 6/7 pupils have been very busy with their preparations for their forthcoming Sacrament of Confirmation.

The class have been introduced to their new topic, The Ice Age, which is very apt given the current weather! The children are looking forward to studying this, especially all the science aspects.


Thank you for reading my blog.

Mrs McCart

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