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P4-7 Emergency Childcare

Following the confirmation of the return of in-school learning for P1-3 pupils, we understand that this may change the childcare needs of parents. The school asks that if you wish your P4-7 child to be considered for Emergency Keyworker Childcare at the school that you complete either the Google Form below or the Application form.

Application forms will need to be e-mailed to the school office. The address is at the bottom oh the form. If your child currently attends Emergency childcare can we ask you to resubmit the form to help with the schools planning for return.

Applications must be sent in by Friday 19th February


Google Form

Key worker enrolment form for emergency childcare

February Weekend Emergency Childcare Hubs

During the February Weekend the school will be closed to Keyworker Children. Emergency Childcare hubs will be open. The one for Cambuslang will be in Calderwood Primary. Spaces for these hubs is limited. Parents will need to apply online for those spaces. Applications must be in by the Monday 1st February at 9.30am. Please see the document attached for more information and the link to the application.


Emergency childcare information – mid Feb break (1)