All posts by Mrs Elliott

February Weekend Emergency Childcare Hubs

During the February Weekend the school will be closed to Keyworker Children. Emergency Childcare hubs will be open. The one for Cambuslang will be in Calderwood Primary. Spaces for these hubs is limited. Parents will need to apply online for those spaces. Applications must be in by the Monday 1st February at 9.30am. Please see the document attached for more information and the link to the application.


Emergency childcare information – mid Feb break (1)

Home Learning

Well done to all those children who logged into Google Classroom today, we are very proud of all your hard work. We look forward to seeing all children online during the school day tomorrow. Teachers will be in the Google Classroom streams from 9.00-10.00am and 11.30am – 12.30pm for any questions pupils may have.