All posts by Mrs Elliott

Sacramental Dates 2022-23

We can now confirm the dates for the year’s Sacraments and meeting.

Father will hold a Sacramental Meeting in St. Cadoc’s Church on Tuesday 4th October.

  • First Reconciliation (6.00pm)
  • First Holy Communion (6.30pm)
  • Confirmation (7.00pm)

The Enrolment Mass for all Sacraments will be on Sunday 4th December at 10.00am in St. Cadoc’s Church.

First Reconciliation will be in St. Cadoc’s Church on Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 6.30pm.

First Holy Communion will be in St. Cadoc’s Church on Saturday 22nd April 2023 at 9.30am.

Confirmation will be in St. Cadoc’s Church on Tuesday 20th June 2023 at 7.00pm.


Roles of Responsibility 2022-23

We would like to extend a huge Congratulations to all students who were recently voted, by their peers, into positions of responsibility within the school.

House Captains – Sophie C., Cole D., Dominic F., Ava M.

Vice House Captains – Enoch A., Katie D., Clodagh L., Freya M.

Pupil Council – Aria C., Jude R., Ciaran D., Lyle B., Leo McB., Callum B.

Sports Council – Paddy McG., Aidan M., Eoghan McG., Dharci H., Owen H., Josh T.

Eco Committee – Cathryn F., Finlay McA., Eilidh MacF., George S., Elaine I., Maya N., Jan R.

Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO) – Freya D., Lily G.

All students in P7 will act as Class Monitors for the lower classes, as required, over the year.

St. Cadoc’s Church, Halfway

Please note that mass will be held at St. Cadoc’s Church, Halfway, at the following times:

Saturday Vigil Mass: 5.00pm on Saturdays

Sunday mass: 10.00am and 11.30am on Sundays. Children’s Liturgy takes place at 10.00am during Sunday mass (apart from during school holidays)

Weekday masses: Every weekday, Monday to Friday, at 10.00am.


Homework Survey

A few parents indicated in the recent Parent Evaluation that they did not feel that their child received the correct level of homework. The school asks that you complete this short survey to help us better target our homework provision.

The purpose and benefits of homework are:
It can foster independent learning.
It can give parents an opportunity to see what’s going on at school and let them express positive attitudes toward their child’s achievement.
It helps develops study habits for secondary school.
It encourages self-discipline.

Our Expectation
We issue children literacy, numeracy and other learning tasks as a part of their homework. Homework should take no more than 20 minutes per night.


Homework Survey